1 Maccabees 5:67
Good News Translation
That day a number of priests were killed in battle because they wanted to be heroes and foolishly went out to fight.

New Revised Standard Version
On that day some priests, who wished to do a brave deed, fell in battle, for they went out to battle unwisely.

Contemporary English Version
That same day, some priests foolishly started a battle because they wanted to become heroes. But instead they died in the fighting.

New American Bible
On that day some priests fell in battle who had gone out rashly to fight in their desire to do brave deeds.

Douay-Rheims Bible
In that day some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully they went out unadvisedly to fight.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

In that day some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully they went out unadvisedly to fight.

1 Maccabees 5:65
Then Judas and his brethren went forth and attacked the children of Esau, in the land towards the south, and he took Chebron and her towns: and he burnt the walls thereof, and the towers all round it.

1 Maccabees 5:66
And he removed his camp to go into the land of the aliens, and he went through Samaria.

1 Maccabees 5:68
And Judas turned to Azotus, into the land of the strangers, and he threw down their altars, and he burnt the statues of their gods with fire: and he took the spoils of the cities, and returned into the land of Juda.

1 Maccabees 6:1
Now king Antiochus was going through the higher countries, and he heard that the city of Elymais in Persia, was greatly renowned, and abounding in silver and gold,

1 Maccabees 5
66And he removed his camp to go into the land of the aliens, and he went through Samaria. 67In that day some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully they went out unadvisedly to fight. 68And Judas turned to Azotus, into the land of the strangers, and he threw down their altars, and he burnt the statues of their gods with fire: and he took the spoils of the cities, and returned into the land of Juda.…
Cross References
1 Maccabees 5:65
Then Judas and his brethren went forth and attacked the children of Esau, in the land towards the south, and he took Chebron and her towns: and he burnt the walls thereof, and the towers all round it.

1 Maccabees 5:66
And he removed his camp to go into the land of the aliens, and he went through Samaria.

1 Maccabees 5:68
And Judas turned to Azotus, into the land of the strangers, and he threw down their altars, and he burnt the statues of their gods with fire: and he took the spoils of the cities, and returned into the land of Juda.

1 Maccabees 6:1
Now king Antiochus was going through the higher countries, and he heard that the city of Elymais in Persia, was greatly renowned, and abounding in silver and gold,

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1 Maccabees 5:66
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