Esther 11:9
Cross References

And the nation of the just was troubled fearing their own evils, and was prepared for death.

Esther 11:7
And at their cry all nations were stirred up to fight against the nation of the just.

Esther 11:8
And that was a day of darkness and danger, of tribulation and distress, and great fear upon the earth.

Esther 11:10
And they cried to God: and as they were crying, a little fountain grew into a very great river, and abounded into many waters.

Esther 11:11
The light and the sun rose up, and the humble were exalted, and they devoured the glorious.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

And the nation of the just was troubled fearing their own evils, and was prepared for death.

Esther 11:7
And at their cry all nations were stirred up to fight against the nation of the just.

Esther 11:8
And that was a day of darkness and danger, of tribulation and distress, and great fear upon the earth.

Esther 11:10
And they cried to God: and as they were crying, a little fountain grew into a very great river, and abounded into many waters.

Esther 11:11
The light and the sun rose up, and the humble were exalted, and they devoured the glorious.

Esther 11
8And that was a day of darkness and danger, of tribulation and distress, and great fear upon the earth. 9And the nation of the just was troubled fearing their own evils, and was prepared for death. 10And they cried to God: and as they were crying, a little fountain grew into a very great river, and abounded into many waters.…

(Est Esth. Es)

Esther 11:8
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