Cross References Before him there were none so beautiful, even from the beginning. Sirach 45:13 Of twisted scarlet the work of an artist, with precious stones cut and set in gold, and graven by the work of a lapidary for a memorial, according to the number of the tribes of Israel. Sirach 45:14 And a crown of gold upon his mitre wherein was engraved Holiness, an ornament of honour: a work of power, and delightful to the eyes for its beauty. Sirach 45:16 No stranger was ever clothed with them, but only his children alone, and his grandchildren for ever. Sirach 45:17 His sacrifices were consumed with fire every day. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Before him there were none so beautiful, even from the beginning. Sirach 45:13Of twisted scarlet the work of an artist, with precious stones cut and set in gold, and graven by the work of a lapidary for a memorial, according to the number of the tribes of Israel. Sirach 45:14 And a crown of gold upon his mitre wherein was engraved Holiness, an ornament of honour: a work of power, and delightful to the eyes for its beauty. Sirach 45:16 No stranger was ever clothed with them, but only his children alone, and his grandchildren for ever. Sirach 45:17 His sacrifices were consumed with fire every day. Context Sirach 45…14And a crown of gold upon his mitre wherein was engraved Holiness, an ornament of honour: a work of power, and delightful to the eyes for its beauty. 15Before him there were none so beautiful, even from the beginning. 16No stranger was ever clothed with them, but only his children alone, and his grandchildren for ever.… |