Cross References For after this cometh night, but no evil can overcome wisdom. Wisdom 7:28 For God loveth none but him that dwelleth with wisdom. Wisdom 7:29 For she is more beautiful than the sun, and above all the order of the stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it. Wisdom 8:1 She reacheth, therefore, from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly. Wisdom 8:2 Her have I loved, and have sought her out from my youth, and have desired to take for my spouse, and I became a lover of her beauty. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge For after this cometh night, but no evil can overcome wisdom. Wisdom 7:28For God loveth none but him that dwelleth with wisdom. Wisdom 7:29 For she is more beautiful than the sun, and above all the order of the stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it. Wisdom 8:1 She reacheth, therefore, from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly. Wisdom 8:2 Her have I loved, and have sought her out from my youth, and have desired to take for my spouse, and I became a lover of her beauty. Context Wisdom 7…29For she is more beautiful than the sun, and above all the order of the stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it. 30For after this cometh night, but no evil can overcome wisdom. … |