Cross References That he should order the world according to equity and justice, and execute justice with an upright heart: Wisdom 9:1 God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word, Wisdom 9:2 And by thy wisdom hast appointed man, that he should have dominion over the creature that was made by thee, Wisdom 9:4 Give me wisdom, that sitteth by thy throne, and cast me not off from among thy children: Wisdom 9:5 For I am thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid, a weak man, and of short time, and falling short of the understanding of judgment and laws. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge That he should order the world according to equity and justice, and execute justice with an upright heart: Wisdom 9:1God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word, Wisdom 9:2 And by thy wisdom hast appointed man, that he should have dominion over the creature that was made by thee, Wisdom 9:4 Give me wisdom, that sitteth by thy throne, and cast me not off from among thy children: Wisdom 9:5 For I am thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid, a weak man, and of short time, and falling short of the understanding of judgment and laws. Context Wisdom 9…2And by thy wisdom hast appointed man, that he should have dominion over the creature that was made by thee, 3That he should order the world according to equity and justice, and execute justice with an upright heart: 4Give me wisdom, that sitteth by thy throne, and cast me not off from among thy children:… |