Sirach 37:23
Good News Translation
Anyone who really is wise will be the teacher of his people, and they can be certain that what he teaches is the truth.

New Revised Standard Version
A wise person instructs his own people, and the fruits of his good sense will endure.

Contemporary English Version
The wise teach their wisdom to God's people so their wisdom will live on.

New American Bible
When one is wise to the advantage of people, the fruits of knowledge are lasting.

Douay-Rheims Bible
He that speaketh sophistically, is hateful: he shall be destitute of every thing.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

He that speaketh sophistically, is hateful: he shall be destitute of every thing.

Sirach 37:21
A wicked word shall change the heart: out of which four manner of things arise, good and evil, life and death: and the tongue is continually the ruler of them. There is a man that is subtle and a teacher of many, and yet is unprofitable to his own soul.

Sirach 37:22
A skilful man hath taught many, and is sweet to his own soul.

Sirach 37:24
Grace is not given him from the Lord: for he is deprived of all wisdom.

Sirach 37:25
There is a wise man that is wise to his own soul: and the fruit of his understanding is commendable.

Sirach 37
22A skilful man hath taught many, and is sweet to his own soul. 23He that speaketh sophistically, is hateful: he shall be destitute of every thing. 24Grace is not given him from the Lord: for he is deprived of all wisdom.…
Cross References
Sirach 37:21
A wicked word shall change the heart: out of which four manner of things arise, good and evil, life and death: and the tongue is continually the ruler of them. There is a man that is subtle and a teacher of many, and yet is unprofitable to his own soul.

Sirach 37:22
A skilful man hath taught many, and is sweet to his own soul.

Sirach 37:24
Grace is not given him from the Lord: for he is deprived of all wisdom.

Sirach 37:25
There is a wise man that is wise to his own soul: and the fruit of his understanding is commendable.

(Sir. Si Ecclesiasticus eccles eccl)

Sirach 37:22
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