Treasury of Scripture Knowledge And he began to be exceeding sad, both he and Anna his wife with him: and they began both to weep together, because their son did not return to them on the day appointed. Tobit 10:1But as Tobias made longer stay upon occasion of the marriage, Tobias his father was solicitous, saying: Why thinkest thou doth my son tarry, or why is he detained there? Tobit 10:2 Is Gabelus dead, thinkest thou, and no man will pay him the money? Tobit 10:4 But his mother wept and was quite disconsolate, and said: Woe, woe is me, my son; why did we send thee to go to a strange country, the light of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the comfort of our life, the hope of our posterity? Tobit 10:5 We having all things together in thee alone, ought not to have let thee go from us. Context Tobit 10…2Is Gabelus dead, thinkest thou, and no man will pay him the money? 3And he began to be exceeding sad, both he and Anna his wife with him: and they began both to weep together, because their son did not return to them on the day appointed. 4But his mother wept and was quite disconsolate, and said: Woe, woe is me, my son; why did we send thee to go to a strange country, the light of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the comfort of our life, the hope of our posterity?… Cross References Tobit 10:1 But as Tobias made longer stay upon occasion of the marriage, Tobias his father was solicitous, saying: Why thinkest thou doth my son tarry, or why is he detained there? Tobit 10:2 Is Gabelus dead, thinkest thou, and no man will pay him the money? Tobit 10:4 But his mother wept and was quite disconsolate, and said: Woe, woe is me, my son; why did we send thee to go to a strange country, the light of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the comfort of our life, the hope of our posterity? Tobit 10:5 We having all things together in thee alone, ought not to have let thee go from us. |