Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Then Tobias taking of the gall of the fish, anointed his father's eyes. Tobit 11:11And receiving him kissed him, as did also his wife, and they began to weep for joy. Tobit 11:12 And when they had adored God, and given him thanks, they sat down together. Tobit 11:14 And he stayed about half an hour: and a white skin began to come out of his eyes, like the skin of an egg. Tobit 11:15 And Tobias took hold of it, and drew it from his eyes, and recovered his sight. Context Tobit 11…12And when they had adored God, and given him thanks, they sat down together. 13Then Tobias taking of the gall of the fish, anointed his father's eyes. 14And he stayed about half an hour: and a white skin began to come out of his eyes, like the skin of an egg.… Cross References Tobit 11:11 And receiving him kissed him, as did also his wife, and they began to weep for joy. Tobit 11:12 And when they had adored God, and given him thanks, they sat down together. Tobit 11:14 And he stayed about half an hour: and a white skin began to come out of his eyes, like the skin of an egg. Tobit 11:15 And Tobias took hold of it, and drew it from his eyes, and recovered his sight. |