Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Because she had been given to seven husbands and a devil named Asmodeus had killed them, at their first going in unto her. Tobit 3:6And now, O Lord, do with me according to thy will, and command my spirit to be received in peace: for it is better for me to die, than to live. Tobit 3:7 Now it happened on the same day, that Sara daughter of Raguel, in Rages a city of the Medes, received a reproach from one of her father's servant maids, Tobit 3:9 So when she reproved the maid for her fault, she answered her, saying: May we never see son, or daughter of thee upon the earth, thou murderer of thy husbands. Tobit 3:10 Wilt thou kill me also, as thou hast already killed seven husbands? At these words, she went into an upper chamber of her house: and for three days and three nights did neither eat nor drink: Context Tobit 3…7Now it happened on the same day, that Sara daughter of Raguel, in Rages a city of the Medes, received a reproach from one of her father's servant maids, 8Because she had been given to seven husbands and a devil named Asmodeus had killed them, at their first going in unto her. 9So when she reproved the maid for her fault, she answered her, saying: May we never see son, or daughter of thee upon the earth, thou murderer of thy husbands.… Cross References Tobit 3:6 And now, O Lord, do with me according to thy will, and command my spirit to be received in peace: for it is better for me to die, than to live. Tobit 3:7 Now it happened on the same day, that Sara daughter of Raguel, in Rages a city of the Medes, received a reproach from one of her father's servant maids, Tobit 3:9 So when she reproved the maid for her fault, she answered her, saying: May we never see son, or daughter of thee upon the earth, thou murderer of thy husbands. Tobit 3:10 Wilt thou kill me also, as thou hast already killed seven husbands? At these words, she went into an upper chamber of her house: and for three days and three nights did neither eat nor drink: |