Tobit 4:9
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

If thou have much give abundantly: if thou have little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little.

Tobit 4:7
Give alms out of thy substance, and turn not away thy face from any poor person: for so it shall come to pass that the face of the Lord shall not be turned from thee.

Tobit 4:8
According to thy ability be merciful.

Tobit 4:10
For thus thou storest up to thyself a good reward for the day of necessity.

Tobit 4:11
For alms deliver from all sin, and from death, and will not suffer the soul to go into darkness.

Tobit 4
8According to thy ability be merciful. 9If thou have much give abundantly: if thou have little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little. 10For thus thou storest up to thyself a good reward for the day of necessity.…
Cross References
Tobit 4:7
Give alms out of thy substance, and turn not away thy face from any poor person: for so it shall come to pass that the face of the Lord shall not be turned from thee.

Tobit 4:8
According to thy ability be merciful.

Tobit 4:10
For thus thou storest up to thyself a good reward for the day of necessity.

Tobit 4:11
For alms deliver from all sin, and from death, and will not suffer the soul to go into darkness.

(T To Tob Tobias)

Tobit 4:8
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