Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, and let us grow old both together in health. Tobit 8:8Thou madest Adam of the slime of the earth, and gavest him Eve for a helper. Tobit 8:9 And now, Lord, thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do I take my sister to wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which thy name may be blessed for ever and ever. Tobit 8:11 And it came to pass about the cockcrowing, Raguel ordered his servants to be called for, and they went with him together to dig a grave. Tobit 8:12 For he said: Lest perhaps it may have happened to him, in like manner as it did to the other seven husbands, that went in unto her. Context Tobit 8…9And now, Lord, thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do I take my sister to wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which thy name may be blessed for ever and ever. 10Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, and let us grow old both together in health. 11And it came to pass about the cockcrowing, Raguel ordered his servants to be called for, and they went with him together to dig a grave.… Cross References Tobit 8:8 Thou madest Adam of the slime of the earth, and gavest him Eve for a helper. Tobit 8:9 And now, Lord, thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do I take my sister to wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which thy name may be blessed for ever and ever. Tobit 8:11 And it came to pass about the cockcrowing, Raguel ordered his servants to be called for, and they went with him together to dig a grave. Tobit 8:12 For he said: Lest perhaps it may have happened to him, in like manner as it did to the other seven husbands, that went in unto her. |