Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Send one of thy maids, and let her see if he be dead, that I may bury him before it be day. Tobit 8:12For he said: Lest perhaps it may have happened to him, in like manner as it did to the other seven husbands, that went in unto her. Tobit 8:13 And when they had prepared the pit, Raguel went back to his wife, and said to her: Tobit 8:15 So she sent one of her maidservants, who went into the chamber, and found them safe and sound, sleeping both together. Tobit 8:16 And returning she brought the good news: and Raguel and Anna his wife blessed the Lord, Context Tobit 8…13And when they had prepared the pit, Raguel went back to his wife, and said to her: 14Send one of thy maids, and let her see if he be dead, that I may bury him before it be day. 15So she sent one of her maidservants, who went into the chamber, and found them safe and sound, sleeping both together.… Cross References Tobit 8:12 For he said: Lest perhaps it may have happened to him, in like manner as it did to the other seven husbands, that went in unto her. Tobit 8:13 And when they had prepared the pit, Raguel went back to his wife, and said to her: Tobit 8:15 So she sent one of her maidservants, who went into the chamber, and found them safe and sound, sleeping both together. Tobit 8:16 And returning she brought the good news: and Raguel and Anna his wife blessed the Lord, |