Baruch 5
Contemporary English Version

1 Jerusalem, take off the clothes that show you are sad and mourning. Put on the beautiful clothes of God's bright glory and never take them off! 2Wear the robe of God's justice and the crown of his eternal power. 3God will let every nation on earth see your brightness, 4and he will give you this new name forever: "Right-Living-Brings-Peace and Faith-in-God-Brings-Honor."

5So stand on top of the mountain and look east. Our Holy God has gathered your children from the east and the west, and they are celebrating because he hasn't forgotten them. 6 Their enemies forced them to leave on foot, and now God will bring them back to you with great honor, as if they were kings being carried on beautiful thrones. 7He has commanded every high mountain and ancient hill to be made low, and every valley to be filled up, so that the people of Israel can return home safely on level ground. They will show God's glory to the world. 8God has commanded every forest and every sweet-smelling tree to shade the Israelites 9as he leads them home, and they will celebrate and shout for joy on their way. The brightness of God's own glory will guide them, and his mercy and justice will go with them.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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