Esther (Greek) 4
Contemporary English Version

Mordecai Asks for Esther's Help

1Mordecai learned what had happened, and he tore his clothes in sorrow and put on clothes made of sackcloth. Then he sprinkled himself with ashes and ran through the city streets, shouting at the top of his voice, "An innocent nation is going to be destroyed!" 2But he could go only as far as the palace gate, because no one wearing sackcloth or sprinkled with ashes was allowed inside the palace courtyard.

3In every province, wherever the king's orders had been read, the Jews cried bitterly and mourned; they put on sackcloth and sprinkled themselves with ashes.

4When Esther's servant girls and her other servants told her what Mordecai was doing, she was terribly upset and sent Mordecai some clothes to wear instead of the sackcloth. But he refused. 5-6Then Esther called in her personal servant Hachratheus and sent him to find out exactly what was the matter with Mordecai.

7Mordecai told Hachratheus everything that had happened, and especially how Haman had promised to put over 340 tons of silver into the king's treasury if all the Jews were killed. 8Mordecai handed Hachratheus a copy of the orders posted in Susa for the murder of the Jews, then he said:

Hachratheus, after you show these orders to Esther and explain what they mean, ask her to go to the king and beg him to have pity on her people, the Jews! Then give her this message from me: "Esther, remember that I raised you and that you were once an ordinary person just as we are. And now Haman, the king's highest official, has lied about us, and we have been condemned to die. Beg the Lord for help, then speak to the king for us and save us from death."

9Hachratheus went back to Esther and told her what Mordecai had said. 10Esther answered, "Tell Mordecai 11that there is a law about going into the inner courtyard to see the king. Everyone in the kingdom knows that if you go in without being invited by him, the penalty is death. The only thing that can save you is for him to hold out his golden scepter to you. And it's been 30 days since he has asked for me."

12When Hachratheus told Mordecai everything Esther had said, 13Mordecai told him to go back to Esther and say, "Esther, if all the Jews are going to be killed, don't think that you will escape. 14If you refuse to help us, we will find help and protection from someone else, but you and your family will be wiped out. It could be that you were made queen just for a time like this!"

15Esther sent Hachratheus back to Mordecai to tell him, 16"Hurry and bring together all the Jews in Susa. Tell them to go without eating for my sake. Don't eat or drink for three days and nights, and my servant girls and I will do the same. Then I will break the law and go in to see the king, even if it means I must die!"

17Mordecai left and did everything Esther had told him to do.


Addition C

Mordecai's Prayer

18[8] Mordecai prayed and begged the Lord to save his people, and he thanked the Lord for the times he had helped them in the past. 19[9] Mordecai said:

Our Lord, you are King and Ruler of the whole earth, and so no one can stop you when you decide to save Israel. 20[10] You are the Creator of heaven and earth and of all the amazing things on earth as well. 21[11] Everything obeys your commands, and no one can stand against you.

22[12] Since you know everything, you know that I wasn't being proud or arrogant or vain when I have refused to bow down to that arrogant Haman. 23[13] I would even kiss the soles of his feet if that would save Israel. 24[14] But you are my God, and that's why I refused to honor a human the way I honor you. I don't want to sound arrogant, but I won't bow down to anyone except you.

25-26[15-16] Long ago, our ancestor Abraham worshiped you, Lord. You are our God and king, and we are your people. We have always belonged to you, ever since you set us free from Egypt. Don't abandon us now; save us from our enemies, who want to destroy us. 27[17] Answer my prayer and have mercy on us. Turn our sadness into celebration. Let us live, and we will sing praises to your name; we honor you, so please don't let death silence our voices.

28[18] All the Israelites wept bitterly, because they could see they were going to die.


Esther's Prayer

29[1] Queen Esther was worried and upset, and she realized that only the Lord could save her people from being killed. 30[2] So she took off her beautiful royal robes and put on clothes that showed it was a time of suffering and death. She put ashes and dirt all over her head, rather than using any of her expensive lotions. And instead of doing everything she could to look beautiful and dignified, Esther just let her long hair hang down in tangles. 31[3] Then she prayed to the Lord God of Israel:

You, Lord, are the only King we have. And no one except you can help me now, because I'm all alone, 32[4] and I've decided to risk my life.

33[5] Ever since I was born, those who belong to my family's tribe have told me that long ago you chose our ancestors to become Israel, your own special people. You have always kept your promises to us. 34[6] But we sinned against you, Lord, and you let our enemies conquer us 35[7] because we had worshiped their gods. You were right to punish us this way.

36[8] But our enemies weren't satisfied just to keep us in bitter slavery. Now they have made an agreement with their idols 37[9] to kill all of us, your special people. And if they get rid of us, your promises to us will be meaningless. We will no longer be able to praise you, and we won't be able to worship you and offer sacrifices in your temple. 38[10] Then the nations will praise their idols and forever give honor to a mere earthly king.

39[11] Please, Lord, don't hand over your royal power to gods that are nothing. We have fallen down, but don't let our enemies laugh at us. They have made plans to kill us, but turn their own plans against them. And make an example of the one who is behind those plans. 40[12] You are king of the gods and are above every other ruler, so show your power and rescue us in this time of great danger. Give me courage 41[13] and the right words to say to the king, so that he will change his mind and hate the man who is attacking us. I pray that the king will get rid of him and those who support his plot. 42[14] Reach down and save us, Lord. I'm all alone--no one but you can help me now.

43-44[15-16] You know all things--you know how much I hate being the queen of this evil country. I hate the honor that the people give me, and wearing my crown when I go out in public is the same as wearing a blood-soaked rag placed around my head. That's why I refuse to wear it in my own living quarters. And you also know that I even hate to sleep with my husband the king, because he isn't one of your people and isn't circumcised. 45[17] I am your servant, Lord, and I have never eaten at the same table as Haman, and I have never attended the king's banquets or drunk wine that had been offered to other gods.

46[18] You are the Lord God that Abraham worshiped, and only you have given me any joy since I was brought here.

47[19] We have little hope left. But you, Lord, have power over everything, so please hear our prayers and rescue us from those who are evil. And help me not to be afraid.

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Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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