Ezekiel 27
Contemporary English Version

A Funeral Song for Tyre

1The Lord said:

2Ezekiel, son of man, sing a funeral song for Tyre,+ 3the city that is built along the sea and that trades with nations along the coast. Tell the people of Tyre that the following message is from me:

Tyre, you brag about

your perfect beauty,

4and your control of the sea.+

You are a ship

built to perfection.

5Builders used cypress trees

from Mount Hermon

to make your planks

and a cedar tree from Lebanon

for your tall mast.

6Oak trees from Bashan

were shaped into oars;

pine trees from Cyprus+

were cut for your deck,

which was then decorated

with strips of ivory.

7The builders used fancy linen

from Egypt for your sails,

so everyone could see you.

Blue and purple cloth

from Cyprus was used

to shade your deck.

8Men from Sidon and Arvad

did the rowing,

and your own skilled workers

were the captains.

9Experienced men from Byblos

repaired any damages.

Sailors from all over

shopped at the stores

in your port.

10Brave soldiers from Persia,

Lydia, and Libya

served in your navy,

protecting you with shields

and helmets,

and making you famous.

11Your guards came from

Arvad and Cilicia,

and men from Gamad

stood watch in your towers.

With their weapons

hung on your walls,

your beauty was complete.

12Merchants from southern Spain+ traded silver, iron, tin, and lead for your products. 13The people of Greece, Tubal, and Meshech traded slaves and things made of bronze, 14and those from Beth-Togarmah traded work horses, war horses, and mules. 15You also did business with people from Rhodes,+ and people from nations along the coast gave you ivory and ebony+ in exchange for your goods. 16Edom+ traded emeralds, purple cloth, embroidery, fine linen, coral, and rubies. 17Judah and Israel gave you their finest wheat, fancy figs,+ honey, olive oil, and spices in exchange for your merchandise. 18The people of Damascus saw what you had to offer and brought you wine from Helbon and wool from Zahar. 19Vedan and Javan near Uzal+ traded you iron and spices. 20The people of Dedan supplied you with saddle blankets, 21while people from Arabia and the rulers of Kedar traded lambs, sheep, and goats. 22Merchants from Sheba and Raamah gave you excellent spices, precious stones, and gold in exchange for your products. 23You also did business with merchants from the cities of Haran, Canneh, Eden, Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad, 24and they gave you expensive clothing, purple and embroidered cloth, brightly colored rugs, and strong rope. 25 Large, seagoing ships+ carried your goods wherever they needed to go.

You were like a ship

loaded with heavy cargo

26and sailing across the sea,

but you were wrecked

by strong eastern winds.

27Everything on board was lost—

your valuable cargo,

your sailors and carpenters,

merchants and soldiers.

28The shouts of your drowning crew

were heard on the shore.

29Every ship is deserted;

rowers and sailors and captains

all stand on shore,

30mourning for you.

They show their sorrow

by putting dust on their heads

and rolling in ashes;

31they shave their heads

and dress in sackcloth+

as they cry in despair.

32In their grief they sing

a funeral song for you:

“Tyre, you were greater

than all other cities.

But now you lie in silence

at the bottom of the sea.+

33“Nations that received

your merchandise

were always pleased;

kings everywhere got rich

from your costly goods.

34But now you are wrecked

in the deep sea,

with your cargo and crew

scattered everywhere.

35People living along the coast

are shocked at the news.

Their rulers are horrified,

and terror is written

across their faces.

36The merchants of the world

can't believe what happened.

Your death was gruesome,

and you are gone forever.”


27.2 Tyre: See the note at 26.2.
27.4 and your control of the sea: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
27.6 pine trees from Cyprus: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
27.12 southern Spain: The Hebrew text has “Tarshish,” which may have been a Phoenician city in southern Spain.
27.15 Rhodes: One ancient translation; Hebrew “Dedan.”
27.15 ebony: A valuable black wood.
27.16 Edom: Some Hebrew manuscripts and one ancient translation; most Hebrew manuscripts “Syria.”
27.17 their finest wheat, fancy figs: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
27.19 Vedan and Javan near Uzal: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
27.25 Large, seagoing ships: The Hebrew text has “Ships of Tarshish,” which may have been a Phoenician city in Spain. “Ships of Tarshish” probably means large, seagoing ships.
27.31 sackcloth: See the note at 7.18.
27.32 Tyre, you were greater … the bottom of the sea: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.

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Ezekiel 26
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