Job 29
Contemporary English Version
Job Continues

I Long for the Past

1Job said:

2I long for the past,

when God took care of me,

3and the light from his lamp

showed me the way

through the dark.

4I was in the prime of life,

God All-Powerful

was my closest friend,

5and all of my children

were nearby.

6My herds gave enough milk

to bathe my feet,

and from my olive harvest

flowed rivers of oil.

* 7When I sat down at the meeting

of the city council,

8the young leaders stepped aside,

* 9while the older ones stood

10and remained silent.

Everyone Was Pleased

11Everyone was pleased

with what I said and did.

12When poor people or orphans

cried out for help,

I came to their rescue.

13And I was highly praised

for my generosity to widows

and others in poverty.

14Kindness and justice

were my coat and hat;

15I was helpful to the blind

and to the lame.

16I was a father to the needy,

and I defended them in court,

even if they were strangers.

17When criminals attacked,

I broke their teeth

and set their victims free.

18I felt certain that I would live

a long and happy life,

then die in my own bed.

19In those days I was strong

like a tree with deep roots

and with plenty of water,

20or like an archer's new bow.

21Everyone listened in silence

to my welcome advice,

22and when I finished speaking,

nothing needed to be said.

23My words were eagerly accepted

like the showers of spring,

24and the smile on my face

renewed everyone's hopes.

25My advice was followed

as though I were a king

leading my troops,

or someone comforting

those in sorrow.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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