Job 36
Contemporary English Version
Elihu Continues

Be Patient a While Longer

1Elihu said:

2Be patient a while longer;

I have something else to say

in God's defense.

3God always does right—

and this knowledge

comes straight from God.+

4You can rest assured

that what I say is true.

5Although God is mighty,

he cares about everyone

and makes fair decisions.

6The wicked are cut down,

and those who are wronged

receive justice.

7God watches over good people

and places them in positions

of power and honor forever.

8But when people are prisoners

of suffering and pain,

* 9God points out their sin

and their pride,

10then he warns them

to turn back to him.

11And if they obey,

they will be successful

and happy from then on.

12But if they foolishly refuse,

they will be rewarded

with a violent death.

Godless People Are Too Angry

13Godless people are too angry

to ask God for help

when he punishes them.

14So they die young

in shameful disgrace.

15Hard times and trouble

are God's way

of getting our attention!

16And at this very moment,

God deeply desires

to lead you from trouble

and to spread your table

with your favorite food.

17Now that the judgment

for your sins

has fallen upon you,

18don't let your anger

and the pain you endured

make you sneer at God.

19Your reputation and riches

cannot protect you

from distress,

20nor can you find safety

in the dark world below.+

21Be on guard! Don't turn to evil

as a way of escape.

22God's power is unlimited.

He needs no teachers

23to guide or correct him.

Others Have Praised God

24Others have praised God

for what he has done,

so join with them.

25From down here on earth,

everyone has looked up and seen

26how great God is—

God is more than we imagine;

no one can count the years

he has lived.

* 27God gathers moisture

into the clouds

28and supplies us with rain.

29Who can understand

how God scatters the clouds

and speaks from his home

in the thunderstorm?

30And when God sends lightning,

it can be seen

at the bottom of the sea.+

31By producing such rainstorms,

God rules the world

and provides us with food.

32Each flash of lightning

is one of his arrows

striking its target,

33and the thunder tells

of his anger against sin.+


36.3 comes straight from God: The Hebrew text has “comes from a distant place,” which refers to the place where God lives; Elihu is claiming that he learned this from God.
36.20 below: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 18-20.
36.30 sea: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 30.
36.33 sin: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 33.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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