Job 8
Contemporary English Version
Bildad's First Speech

How Long Will You Talk?

1Bildad from Shuah+ said:

2How long will you talk

and keep saying nothing?

3Does God All-Powerful

stand in the way of justice?

4He made your children pay

for their sins.

5So why don't you turn to him

6and start living right?

Then he will decide

to rescue and restore you

to your place of honor.

7Your future will be brighter

by far than your past.

Our Ancestors Were Wise

8 Our ancestors were wise,

so learn from them.

9Our own time has been short,

like a fading shadow,

and we know very little.

10But they will instruct you

with great understanding.

11Papyrus reeds grow healthy

only in a swamp,

12and if the water dries up,

they die sooner than grass.

13Such is the hopeless future

of all who turn from God

14and trust in something as frail

as a spider's web—

15they take hold and fall

because it's so flimsy.

16Sinful people are like plants

with spreading roots and plenty

of sun and water.

17They wrap their roots tightly

around rocks.+

18But once they are pulled up,

they have no more place;

19their life slips away,+

and other plants grow there.

20We know God doesn't reject

an innocent person

or help a sinner.

21And so, he will make you happy

and give you something

to smile about.

22But your evil enemies

will be put to shame

and disappear forever.


8.1 Shuah: See the note at 2.11.
8.17 rocks: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 17.
8.19 their … away: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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