Psalm 110
Contemporary English Version

(A psalm by David.)

The Lord Gives Victory

1 The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit at my right side,+

until I make your enemies

into a footstool for you.”

2The Lord will let your power

reach out from Zion,

and you will rule

over your enemies.

3Your glorious power

will be seen on the day

you begin to rule.

You will wear the sacred robes

and shine like the morning sun

in all of your strength.+

4 The Lord has made a promise

that will never be broken:

“You will be a priest forever,

just like Melchizedek.”

5The Lord is at your right side,

and when he gets angry

he will crush

the other kings.

6He will judge the nations

and crack their skulls,

leaving piles of dead bodies

all over the earth.

7He will drink from any stream

that he chooses, while winning

victory after victory.+


110.1 right side: See the note at 16.11.
110.3 You will … strength: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
110.7 while … victory: Or “God will give him victory after victory.”

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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