Psalm 57
Contemporary English Version

(For the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.”+ A special psalm by David when he was in the cave while running from Saul.)

Praise and Trust in Times of Trouble

1 God Most High, have pity on me!

Have mercy. I run to you

for safety.

In the shadow of your wings,

I seek protection

till danger dies down.

2I pray to you, my protector.

3You will send help from heaven

and save me,

but you will bring trouble

on my attackers.

You are faithful,

and you can be trusted.

4My enemies are fierce,

much worse than lions!

They have spears and arrows

instead of teeth,

and they have sharp swords

instead of tongues.

5May you, my God, be honored

above the heavens;

may your glory be seen

everywhere on earth.

6 Enemies set traps for my feet

and struck me down.

They dug a pit in my path,

but fell in it themselves.

7I am faithful to you,

and you can trust me.

I will sing and play music

for you, my God.

8I feel wide awake!

I will wake up my harp

and wake up the sun.

9I will praise you, Lord,

for everyone to hear,

and I will sing hymns to you

in every nation.

10Your love reaches higher

than the heavens;

your loyalty extends

beyond the clouds.

11May you, my God, be honored

above the heavens;

may your glory be seen

everywhere on earth.


Psalm 57 Don't Destroy: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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