Psalm 73
Contemporary English Version


(Psalms 73–89)

(A psalm by Asaph.)

God Is Good

1God is truly good to Israel,+

especially to everyone

with a pure heart.

2But I almost stumbled and fell,

3because it made me jealous

to see proud and evil people

and to watch them prosper.

4They never have to suffer,+

they stay healthy,

5and they don't have troubles

like everyone else.

6Their pride is like a necklace,

and they commit sin more often

than they dress themselves.

7Their eyes bulge with fat,

and their minds are flooded

with foolish thoughts.

8They sneer and say cruel things,

and because of their pride,

they make violent threats.

9They dare to speak against God

and to order others around.

10God will bring his people back,

and they will drink the water

he so freely gives.+

11Only evil people would say,

“God Most High cannot

know everything!”

12Yet all goes well for them,

and they live in peace.

13What good did it do me

to keep my thoughts pure

and refuse to do wrong?

14I am sick all day,

and I am punished

each morning.

15If I had said evil things,

I would not have been loyal

to your people.

16It was hard for me

to understand all this!

17Then I went to your temple,

and there I understood

what will happen

to my enemies.

18You will make them stumble,

never to get up again.

19They will be terrified,

suddenly swept away

and no longer there.

20They will disappear, Lord,

despised like a bad dream

the morning after.

21Once I was bitter

and brokenhearted.

22I was stupid and ignorant,

and I treated you

as a wild animal would.

23But I never really left you,

and you hold my right hand.

24Your advice has been my guide,

and later you will welcome me

in glory.+

25In heaven I have only you,

and on this earth

you are all I want.

26My body and mind may fail,

but you are my strength

and my choice forever.

27All-Powerful Lord God,

those who stay far from you

will be lost,

and you will destroy those

who are unfaithful.

28It is good for me

to be near you.

I choose you as my protector,

and I will tell about

your wonderful deeds.


73.1 to Israel: Or “to those who do right.”
73.4 They … suffer: Or “They die a painless death.”
73.10 gives: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 10.
73.24 in glory: Or “with honor.”

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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