Sirach 1
Contemporary English Version

Preface by the Author's Grandson

Many great and wise teachings have been handed down to us in the Scriptures, that is, in the Law, the Prophets, and the other writings. We should praise earlier generations of Israel for writing and saving these books. And if you really love to study the Scriptures, it is very important for you to be able to explain them to others, whether by talking or by writing.

That's why my grandfather Jesus studied the Scriptures until he became an expert, then wrote this book to help others learn about wisdom. So if you love to learn, you should study this book, and you will come closer and closer to living as the Law requires.

But I ask you to read with a good attitude and not to be critical of my translation. I worked hard at it, so be understanding in those places where it isn't perfect. The meaning of any Hebrew book changes a little when it is translated, whether it is from the Law or the Prophets or is one of the other books in the Scriptures.

I came to Egypt in the thirty-eighth year of King Euergetes, and I stayed there for as long as he was king. While I was there, I studied copies of many books, and that's when I realized I should translate this one. Translating carefully takes a lot of hard work, and I spent many sleepless nights before my translation was completed. And now that it is finished, those who live outside of Judea can read this book to learn how best to obey God's Law in their own lives.


Only the Lord Can Give Wisdom

1 Only the Lord can give Wisdom,

and his Wisdom lasts forever.

2And who but the Lord

can count the raindrops

or the days in eternity

or the sand on the seashore?

3And who else can measure

the height of heaven

or the width of the earth

or the depth of the sea?

4The Lord created Wisdom

long before anything else.

5The Wisdom in God's commands

flows from his word in heaven

like streams from a spring.

6Who can understand

the deep thoughts of Wisdom

or how clever she is?

7Can anyone be taught

all of her knowledge?

Can anyone understand

how much she has learned?

8Only the Lord is that wise;

he is fearsome and majestic

as he rules from his throne.

9 The Lord created Wisdom

and watched her grow,

then he gave her

to his creation--

10to every living thing--

but especially to those people

who love him.

11If you fear the Lord,

you will be proud

of the honors you receive,

and you will wear happiness

like a crown.

12And if you fear him,

your life will be long

and filled with joy.

13You will die happy,

blessed by the Lord

on the day of your death.

14Respect and obey the Lord--

that's where Wisdom begins,

and she will stay

with faithful people

from the day of their birth.

15She has lived among us humans

since the beginning of time,

and she will never desert

our descendants.

16Respect and obey the Lord--

this is complete Wisdom.

Be drunk on the wine

of Wisdom,

17 and let her fill your house

and your barns

with the harvest she brings.

18Wisdom will give you

respect for the Lord,

to be worn like a crown

woven from the flowers

of peace and good health.

19Hold on to Wisdom,

and she will honor you

by sending knowledge

and complete understanding

like showers of rain.

20 Wisdom is like a tree--

at its root is respect

for the Lord,

and its branches represent

a long lifetime.

21Fear of the Lord

forces sin and anger

out of your life.

22It is never right to be angry

without a good reason,

because anger will start you

down the path to disaster.

23Just be patient and stay calm

until your anger fades.

24Then when the time is right

you can speak,

and others will tell

of your good sense.

Be Faithful to the Lord

25Wisdom collects wise sayings,

but faithfulness to God

is disgusting to a sinner.

26If you want lots of Wisdom

from the Lord,

then obey his commands.

27Respect and obey the Lord,

and you will learn Wisdom;

be faithful and humble,

and he will be pleased.

28Faithfully obey the Lord

and worship him

with all your heart.

29Others are watching you,

so be careful--

don't say one thing

and then do something else.

30If you boast and then fail,

you will be disgraced.

And if you only pretend

to worship the Lord,

he will bring you down

and show everyone

that you are a fake.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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