Sirach 45
Contemporary English Version


One of Jacob's descendants

was faithful to the Lord

and pleasing to everyone;

1 he was well loved

by Israel and God.

The man was Moses,

and we still give thanks

whenever we think of him.

2The Lord gave Moses glory

equal to the angels

and power that terrified

his enemies.

* 3When Moses spoke,

miracles happened,

and even the king of Egypt

was forced to honor him.

The Lord chose Moses

to see his glory

and to receive the Law

4because Moses was faithful

and humble.

5He heard the Lord's voice

and saw him face to face,

when the Lord told him

to teach Israel the commands

that give knowledge and life.

Aaron the Priest

6 Aaron the brother of Moses

was a holy man

from the tribe of Levi,

and the Lord chose him

* 7 and his descendants

to be Israel's priests

for all time.

The Lord told him to wear

glorious clothing

8with beautiful decorations

and jewelry.

Three things truly showed

Aaron's priestly power--

the linen shorts, the robe,

and the sacred vest.

9Pomegranates were embroidered

along the hem of the robe,

and gold bells were sewn there,

so others could hear the ringing

as he walked in the temple.

* 10The vest was embroidered

with blue and purple yarn

and decorated with gold.

11The breastpiece was decorated

with red yarn,

and it held the sacred items

used in getting answers

from God.

On it were precious stones,

set in finely worked gold

and engraved with the names

of Israel's twelve tribes.

12On Aaron's turban

was a beautiful strip of gold

made by an expert

and engraved with the words,

"Dedicated to the Lord."

13All these things were made

for Aaron the priest,

and since his time,

only his descendants

have ever worn them.

14Twice each day,

these priests offer sacrifices

to please the Lord.

15 Moses ordained Aaron as priest

by pouring sacred olive oil

on his head.

And the Lord promised Aaron

that his descendants would serve

as his priests forever

and bless the people of Israel

in his name.

16The Lord chose only him

to burn sacrifices and incense

with a pleasing smell,

reminding the Lord of his people

and asking him

to forgive their sins.

17Aaron was made a judge

and was given the Law

with instructions to teach it

to Israel.

18 When Israel was in the desert,

some men who were not priests

became jealous of Aaron,

and they rebelled, led by Dathan,

Abiram, and Korah.

19But the Lord wasn't pleased,

and to show he was furious,

he sent down fire

to destroy them.

20The Lord honored Aaron

even more

by giving to him

the offerings of the first part

of the harvest.

And so these offerings

are the priests' inheritance,

21along with other sacrifices

the Lord gave to them.

22 Their inheritance is the Lord,

not a piece of ground

among the rest of Israel.

Phinehas the Priest

23 Phinehas son of Eleazar

is almost as famous

as Moses and Aaron.

Phinehas was brave

and eager to obey the Lord,

when the other Israelites

were unfaithful.

And so, because of what he did,

God spared Israel

24and promised to Phinehas

and his descendants

the honor of forever being

leaders of the nation

and priests in the temple.

25According to this promise

made by the Lord,

only a descendant of Aaron

can be a priest,

just as Israel's king must be

from the family of David.

A Short Prayer for the Priests

26Give thanks to the Lord

who has given glory

to you priests.

I pray he will give you wisdom

so you will make fair decisions

when you judge his people.

Then they will be successful

and famous forever.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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