Sirach 51
Contemporary English Version

A Prayer To Give Thanks

1I praise you, Lord God,

because you are my king,

and you rescued me.

I give you thanks

2for protection and help

when I was in danger

from enemies

who tried to destroy me

with cruel lies.

3My enemies wanted me dead

and were about

to gobble me up,

but you had pity and rescued me

from the trouble they caused.

4I was surrounded by fires

they had set,

and I could not breathe

for the smoke.

* 5Death was ready to swallow me,

because their filthy lies

6had reached the king.

I was standing at the edge

of an open grave.

7Enemies surrounded me,

and I called for help--

but no one came.

8Then, Lord, I remembered

your mercy and kindness

and how you have always saved

those who trusted you

when they were attacked

by evil people.

9So I prayed and cried out,

"Don't let me die!

10I am in trouble,

facing arrogant enemies

with no one to help me.

But you are my Lord and Father,

so please don't let me down.

Rescue me,

11and I will honor you forever

with songs of praise."

I know you heard my prayer,

12because you saved me from death

and rescued me from danger.

That's why I thank you

and give you honor and praise.

Sirach Looked for Wisdom

* 13When I was young

and before I had traveled,

14I prayed in the temple courtyard

and openly asked for Wisdom.

And I will look for her

every day of my life.

15Now I am old,

but ever since I was a child,

I have loved Wisdom

and always followed her

on the path where she walked.

16When I listened even a little

to what she said,

I learned many things.

17So I continued to study,

and I praise God,

who gives me Wisdom.

18I chose to live by Wisdom

and always do right,

and I have never had a reason

to be ashamed.

19Whenever I had to struggle

to follow her completely,

I would lift my hands in prayer

and tell God I was sorry

I knew so little of Wisdom.

20But I was set on finding her,

and I did, by removing sin

from my heart.

Now, I grow wiser and wiser,

and she will never leave me.

21I made the effort to find Wisdom

because I really wanted her,

and she is worth it all.

22The Lord also rewarded me

with a gift for using words,

and so I will use that gift

to offer him praise.

23If Wisdom is a subject

you have never studied,

then come to my school.

24If your desire for her

is like a great thirst,

why haven't you quenched it?

25Here is my advice--

you cannot buy Wisdom,

26and you need not travel far.

You just have to be willing

to do what she says.

27Studying wisdom has filled

my life with peace,

and you can see it is worth

any effort I have made.

28And even if learning Wisdom

costs you a lot of silver,

she will bring you

even more in gold.

Celebrate the Mercy of God!

29Celebrate the mercy of God!

Don't be ashamed to tell others

how great he is.

30Work when it is time to work,

and God will reward you

when the time is right.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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