Tobit 11
Contemporary English Version

Going Home

1When Tobias and the angel Raphael came near the town of Kaserin, not far from Nineveh, Raphael said, 2"Tobias, you know the condition your father was in when we left. 3So why don't you and I run on ahead of your wife Sarah and get things ready at the house?" 4Then as the two of them ran along, followed by Tobias's dog, Raphael said, "Have the gall bladder of the fish ready."

5Meanwhile, Anna was sitting beside the road, just staring. 6When she saw Tobias coming, she called out to her husband, "Our son is coming down the road! And that man is with him."

Tobit's Eyes Are Healed

7Before they got there, Raphael said to Tobias, "Your father's eyes will be healed. 8Just smear the gall bladder of the fish on his eyes, and the film-like stuff that is covering them will shrink and peel off. Then your father will be able to see again."

9Anna ran to Tobias and hugged him. Then she said, "Now that I have seen you, my son, I can die in peace." And she began crying.

Tobit speaks:

10I jumped up and went stumbling through the gate leading out to the road. Tobias hurried toward me, 11-12 carrying the gall bladder. He breathed on my eyes and said, "Don't worry!" He immediately steadied me and started rubbing the gall bladder on my eyes. 13Then, with both hands, he began at the corners of my eyes and peeled away the stuff that had made me blind.

I hugged Tobias 14and started crying, then I said, "I can see you, my son! Now life is worth living again." Then I continued:

"Praise God and his great name!

Praise his holy angels!

I pray for God to be with us!

Praise his angels forever.

15He caused me great suffering,

but now I see my son Tobias!"

I kept on celebrating and praising God as loud as I could.

After a while, Tobias told me how successful his travels had been--not only had he recovered the money, but he had married Sarah, who was near the gate of Nineveh at that very moment.

16I started walking toward the city gate, still celebrating and praising God. But those who saw me hurrying along were amazed that no one was leading me. 17So I told everyone that God had been merciful and had healed my eyes. And when I saw Sarah, I gave her my blessing and said, "My daughter, we welcome you into our family! I praise God for bringing you to us, and I ask him to bless your parents and my son and you. Our home is your home, and I pray God will bless you with health and happiness in this place. Welcome!"

On that same day, every Jew in Nineveh joined in the celebration, 18and my nephews Ahikar and Nadab also came to celebrate with us.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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Genesis 10
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