Tobit 8
Contemporary English Version

Tobias Chases Off the Demon

1When everyone had finished eating and drinking, they decided it was time to go to bed, and they brought Tobias to the bedroom. 2Then Tobias remembered what Raphael had told him about the liver and the heart of the fish. So he took them out of the bag where he had kept them, and he put them on the burning incense. 3 The terrible odor made the demon go all the way to Egypt, where Raphael captured him and immediately tied him up so tightly that he couldn't move.

Tobias Prays

4After Sarah's parents had left and the bedroom door was shut, Tobias stood up and said, "Sarah, my darling, please get up. Let's pray that the Lord will be merciful and watch over us." 5 So she got up, and they begged the Lord to keep them safe. Tobias began by praying:

"God of our ancestors,

we praise your name;

all future generations

will praise you as well.

Heaven and the rest of creation

should always praise you.

6 "You made Adam and said,

'It isn't good for the man

to live alone.

So we will make

a suitable partner for him,

someone like himself.'

Then you gave him Eve--

the perfect companion--

and they were the source

of the whole human race.

7"I have married

this relative of mine--

not because of lust,

but because of love.

Please be kind and bless us

with a long life together."

8Tobias and Sarah both said, "Amen!" 9and then went to sleep for the night.

Raguel Digs a Grave for Tobias

Later that night, Raguel woke up his servants and took them outside, where they dug a grave. 10He told them, "If Tobias dies and our neighbors find out, they will make fun of us and insult us." 11When they had finished digging the grave, Raguel went into the house. He woke up his wife 12and told her, "Send one of the young servant women into the room to see if Tobias is still alive. If he is dead, then we can bury him now and no one will know about it."

13Edna lit a lamp and gave it to a servant, then she opened the door and sent her inside. Tobias and Sarah were both sound asleep. 14The servant came back out and told Raguel and Edna that Tobias was still alive, and that nothing bad had happened to him. 15They praised the God of Heaven, and Raguel said,

"Our God, you are worthy

to be praised for all time

with words that come

from hearts that are pure.

16I offer my praise, because you

have given me happiness--

I expected a tragedy,

but it did not happen.

You had mercy on us

17and on Sarah and Tobias,

the only children

of their parents.

Be merciful to these young people!

Keep them safe and bless them

with happiness."

18Then Raguel told his servants to fill in the grave before sunrise.

The Wedding Celebration

19Raguel went to his wife and told her to bake a lot of bread. Then he went out to his herd of livestock and brought back two bulls and four rams, and he gave orders for his servants to slaughter them. And so, everyone began preparing for a big celebration.

20 Raguel called in Tobias and told him:

Please stay here at least two weeks. You can eat and drink with me, and you can cheer up my daughter, who has gone through some horrible suffering. 21When you leave, you can take half of everything I own and return safely to your father. Then, whenever my wife Edna and I die, you can have the other half as well. Don't worry about a thing, Tobias. From now on, you will be a son to us, and we will care for you as much as we do for our daughter Sarah, your wife.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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