The Wisdom of Solomon 6
Contemporary English Version

Rulers Should Desire Wisdom

1Now listen and learn,

you kings and judges!

2Listen, all of you rulers,

who control many nations.

3 You received your authority

from the Lord Most High,

and he will judge your deeds

and your thoughts.

4Although you were his servants,

you disobeyed him

and ruled unjustly.

5So now the Lord will punish you

both quickly and harshly

because you are in power.

6God forgives ordinary people,

but severely punishes

the high and the mighty.

7The Lord created everyone--

the powerful and the weak.

God has no favorites;

he isn't afraid of anyone,

8and he requires rulers

to answer for what they do.

9I am speaking to you rulers,

so that you will have wisdom

and not sin against God.

10If you want to belong

to the Lord's holy people

and to defend yourself

on the day of judgment,

11then eagerly desire to learn

all that I am teaching.

What Wisdom Is Like

12Wisdom shines brightly

and never fades.

She is easily recognized

by those who love her

and look for her.

13Wisdom wants to be known

by those who desire her.

14If you get up early

to look for wisdom

you find her at your door.

15Just thinking about Wisdom

leads to full understanding,

and caring about Wisdom

will soon set you free

from all other cares.

16Wisdom searches eagerly

for those who are seeking,

and she lets them find her

in all of their thoughts.

17If you really want Wisdom,

then fall in love with her

and desire to learn.

18If you truly love Wisdom,

you will obey her laws;

then you will be sure

of life after death.

19And just as life after death

will bring you near to God,

20the desire for Wisdom

will protect your kingdom.

21So if you want to rule

for a long time,

you must respect Wisdom.

22I will now tell you clearly

the full truth about her

from the very beginning.

23I won't be jealous or conceal

anything I know--

that isn't the way of Wisdom.

24The only hope for the world

is for many of us to be wise;

indeed, a wise ruler

gives security to a nation.

25So be guided by my teachings,

and you will be successful.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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