1 Chronicles 17
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Cedar. Such were esteemed the most magnificent, ver. 6. See 2 Kings vii.

A place permanent and secure, while I have had no fixed abode. (Calmet) --- No more, for a long time: and unless they provoke me by their crimes, as they did afterwards, and were exposed to more severe chastisements. Constant rest is not always expedient. (Tirinus)

Seed, even till Christ shall be born of the Blessed Virgin, of the family of David.

Ever often means only a long duration. The dominion of Christ shall have no end. (Calmet) --- The Church founded by this true David, (Haydock) falls heir to these promises. (Du Hamel)

Thee. The posterity of Saul lost the throne. (Haydock) --- If Solomon was reprobated, his children were permitted to reign. It is also presumed that he did penance; though this is not certain.

Men. Who was ever more favoured by God than David? Hebrew, "Thou hast regarded me according to the estate of a man of high degree." (Protestants) (Haydock)

Known him. Treating him with love and tenderness, as a friend. How can David sufficiently testify his gratitude?

Himself. Hebrew adds, "and to make thee a name."

Begun. Hebrew, "be pleased, (Haydock) or thou hast had the goodness to bless." Syriac, "I pray thee bless."

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com.

1 Chronicles 16
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