1 Chronicles 19
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Land, or city, 2 Kings x. 3. (Calmet) --- What evils proceed from evil counsellors!

From. Hebrew, "in the midst, above the thighs:" exposing them to derision. (Haydock)

Done. Hebrew, "made themselves stinking." Septuagint, "that the people of David were covered with confusion." The insult fell on all Israel. --- Mesopotamia is not mentioned [in] 2 Kings, as the troops perhaps did not arrive soon enough for the first battle, ver. 16.

Chariots. This number seems excessive, and it may have been put for infantry; the number of which, specified [in] 2 Kings, was 33,000. But the troops of Mesopotamia are not there mentioned, and this supplies what was left defective. (Calmet) --- The chariots may signify those who fought upon them, (Menochius) ver. 18., and Isaias xxi. 7. (Tirinus) --- Sometimes the whole number is specified; at others only a part.

River, in Mesopotamia. Joab did not allow them time to arrive. --- Sophach, or Sobac. Adarezer sent also to collect these forces, 2 Kings.


Chariots. Literally, "chariot." 2 Kings has only 700, and 40,000 horsemen. (Calmet) --- Ten men might be in each chariot. (Du Hamel)

Went. Hebrew, "made peace with David." The many petty kings who had hitherto been tributary to Adarezer, submitted now to the conqueror. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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1 Chronicles 18
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