1 Corinthians 13
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
A tinkling cymbal. Which may give notice, and be beneficial to others, but not to itself. (Witham) --- Without charity, both towards every individual, and especially towards the common body of the Church, none of the aforesaid gifts will be available. (Bristow)

1Co 13:2-3 prove that faith without good works, and especially charity for God and our neighbour, cannot avail to eternal life; faith and charity are both essentially necessary. Hence St. Augustine declares, that where there is not true faith, there cannot be justice; because the just man liveth by faith: and where charity is not, there can be no justice, which if they had, they would never tear in pieces the body of Christ, which is the Church. (De fid. ad Pet. chap. xxxix.)

Charity....dealeth not perversely.[1] The Greek word here seems taken from the Latin. St. John Chrysostom expounds it, is not rash, but acteth prudently and considerately. Others, it is not light or inconstant. Others, it braggeth, or vaunteth not, as in the Protestant translation. (Witham)



Non agit perperam, Greek: ou perpereuetai. St. John Chrysostom says, Greek: toutesti ou propeteuetai, non est præceps, aut temeraria.

Is not ambitious;[2] which is also the sense of some Greek copies, but in others, and in St. John Chrysostom, it signifies, it is not ashamed of any one. (Witham)



Non est ambitiosa. Some Greek copies, Greek: philotimei. In the ordinary Greek, and in St. John Chrysostom, Greek: ouk achemonei. It is not ashamed to undergo any disgrace for God, or our neighbour's sake.


Prophecies and tongues last not longer than this life. --- Knowledge shall be destroyed, that is, that imperfect knowledge we have in this world. For now we know only in part, we only see, as it were, through a glass, and imperfectly. --- Faith, which is of things that appear not, and hope, which is of things that we enjoy not, will cease in heaven, but charity, the greater, or greatest even of these three, will remain, and be increased in heaven. (Witham)

1Co 13:10 . Augustine proves from this text, that the saints in heaven have a more perfect knowledge of what passes here below, than when they sojourned on earth. (De Civit. Dei. lib. xxii. chap. 29.)

When I was a child. I, like you, formerly judged of the goodness and excellency of these spiritual gifts by the advantages the procured; but after the Almighty had bestowed upon me his particular light, my opinion was far otherwise. Prophecy, and the gifts of languages are certainly very estimable gifts, yet charity is much more excellent. (Calmet) --- It is by charity we approach near to God, that we become his true image. Can we, then, wonder at the magnificent praises, glorious prerogatives, and surprising effects St. Paul gives to this all necessary virtue?

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com.

1 Corinthians 12
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