2 Chronicles 10
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Please. 3 Kings xii., "serve." By a little condescension, thou mayst establish thy throne. (Calmet) --- The people did not complain, till they saw the riches of the nation wasted on wicked women (Tirinus) and idols. (Du Hamel)

Scorpions; thorns, or scourges armed with hooks. (Columella iii. 10.) --- Roboam had not sense to despise the foolish advice of the young men. (Tirinus)

Will of God: not that the king should act foolishly, or the people rebel, but to effect what he had promised. (Haydock) --- Syriac has well expressed the sense: "because this rebellion happened by the divine permission, that they might behold the truth of the prediction of Ahias;" (Calmet) and that the fault of Solomon might be punished. (Du Hamel)

People. Hebrew, "and when all Israel saw that the king would not hearken unto them, the people answered the king, saying: What portion have we in David?" (Protestants) --- Dwellings. Many ancient Latin manuscripts here insert 3 Kings xii. 20. (Lyranus, &c.) (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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2 Chronicles 9
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