2 Chronicles 3
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Moria, which signifies vision; (Calmet) the place pointed out to Abraham, (Genesis xxii. 2.; St. Augustine, de C.[City of God?] xvi. 32.) and to David, 1 Paralipomenon xxi. 15., and xxii. 1.

Second. Hebrew adds, (Du Hamel) "in the second day of the second month." (Protestants, &c.) (Haydock)

By the first, or ancient measure, used before the captivity. The Babylonian cubit was a hand smaller, as Ezechiel (xl. 3.) intimates. (Calmet) --- Solomon used the same cubit as Moses, but doubled the proportions. (Menochius)

A hundred. The Arabic and some copies of the Septuagint read only twenty. Capellus and Toinard would substitute, ten cubits. A small change in the Hebrew might occasion these variations. (Calmet) --- In 3 Kings vi. 2., we find the height was thirty cubits: but that might be only to the first floor. Many think that the temple was 120 cubits high: but Salien (the year of the world 3024) explains it of the four-square tower, (Menochius) in the front. (Calmet)

House. between the most holy place and the porch, (Tirinus) or it may comprise all but the porch. Hebrew, "he covered (or boarded) all this great house." (Calmet) --- Deal boards interspersed with those of cedar, 3 Kings vi. 9. (Tirinus) --- Fine, (obrizi.) Hebrew, "of Parvaim, which is probably the same as Sepharvaim, Ophir, &c., not far from Media and Colchis. (Calmet)

Amounting to about, is not in Hebrew. (Haydock)

Sicles. This weight seems enormous for each nail. Mariana supposes every nail weighed one sicle. But who will believe that only fifty were used? Hebrew, "And the weight of the nails was fifty," &c. The Syriac and Arabic omit this verse entirely. --- Chambers, or rather "the ceiling."

Work. Hebrew, "of the work of young men," or resembling them. (Munster) --- Septuagint, "the work of wood." Vulgate literally, "of sculpture work," (Haydock) as Le Clerc renders the original. Some moderns translate, "of a work like men in motion." (Mariana, Buxtorf) --- The cherubims were in an erect posture.

Cubits, comprising the breadth of their body. Each occupied ten cubits.

Toward. Hebrew, "inward;" looking at each other, (Exodus xxv. 20.) or towards the altar of holocausts.

A veil. Abulensis places it between the court and the holy: but Jansenius would have it before the holy of holies. It seems rather that there was a veil in both places, (Barad. t. ii. b. iii. 23.; Menochius) as Josephus ([Antiquities?] viii. 2., and xii. 10.) clearly intimates; and St. Paul speaks of the second veil, Hebrews ix. 3. It is not certain which of them was torn at the death of Jesus Christ, Matthew xxvii. 51. Cherubims; extraordinary figures. (Calmet)

Five. 3 Kings vii. 15., we read each was eighteen cubits. It is probable that each was 17½ and the other half was for the crown, (Calmet) or cornice. (Haydock)

In, or "as in." (Sa) (Menochius) --- Protestants supply as. (Haydock) --- Hundred, for one row, or 200 for both, 3 Kings. (Du Hamel)

Booz. "Stability and strength" are derived from God alone. Thus Solomon designed to insinuate that God established the harmony of the universe. (Haydock) --- An orrery, or globe, was therefore placed on each of these pillars. (Parkhurst, in con.)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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2 Chronicles 2
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