2 Samuel 22
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Spoke, &c. By comparing this with the 17th Psalm, we may be convinced how much the Hebrew varies, particularly if we examine also the manuscripts. Kennicott specifies no less than 600 variations in this one canticle, and refutes the opinion of those who say that the 17th Psalm is a second edition, corrected by David's own hand, as the manuscripts frequently shew that inaccuracies of the printed copies. He has collated them with Walton's Polyglott. The variations are not however all distinct from each other, sometimes twenty manuscripts having the same various readings, and may of the relate to the letter v. See Diss. ii., p. 565. We shall give the explication in the order of the Psalms. The collation of parallel passages is of infinite advantage. Frequently (Haydock) the words differ so as to explain one another. --- Saul. He is specified as the most dangerous. David, by divine inspiration, thanks God for his deliverance from all his enemies, both corporal and spiritual, enjoying peace of mind on account of his sins being forgiven, and all his opponents repressed. (Worthington) --- This year, the thirty-seventh of David's reign, was free from any commotion. Yet the king seems to have given way to a little vanity, on account of the many valiant men whom God had collected in his service; (chap. xxiii.) and hence he consented to the unfortunate resolution of numbering his subjects. (Salien, the year of the world 3016.)

Temple. David was now busy in making preparations for it.

Upon. Cardell (Menochius) would translate the Hebrew, "as in contest."

Kindled. The words abju abru seem to be wanting here, as they are found in Syriac, Arabic and the Psalm. Kennicott would render this most striking image, "at the brightness of his presence his clouds removed; They kindled into colas of fire," &c. (Diss. i.)

Shall. Hebrew as well in the past tense. "The Lord thundered," &c. (Haydock)

Overflowings. Hebrew, "channels," the waters receding as at the Red Sea, [Exodus xiv. 21,] and at the passage of the Jordan. [Josue iii. 13.]


God. Perhaps David might have written this before his fall; or, if afterwards, his sincere repentance had restored him to his former state.

Holy; treating all according to their deserts. (Haydock)

Lamp. Hebrew Thair, "thou wilt light" my lamp, seems deficient; as it is found in some manuscripts, Syriac, Arabic, Psalm xvii., &c. (Kennicott)

Me. Though David conquered some Gentiles, and some were converted to the true faith under the Old Testament, yet the fulness of the Gentiles belongs to the Church of Christ, the perpetual stability of which is here foretold, ver. 51. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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2 Samuel 21
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