Ezekiel 12
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Removing. Literally, "vessels of transmigration," (Haydock) or bundles, (Calmet) and what was requisite for travelling, (Worthington) or in exile. (Haydock) --- All this, to chap. xx., happened five years before the fall of Jerusalem. (Calmet) --- See chap. viii. 1. (Haydock)

Be carried. (Septuagint) St. Jerome reads, "thou shalt carry thy bundles on the shoulder," as many explain the Hebrew, (Calmet) and also ver. 7. "I bear it upon my shoulder," ver. 12. (Protestants) (Haydock) --- Cover, to denote the blindness of Sedecias, (Calmet) or his attempt to disguise himself. (Haydock) --- The faces of criminals were covered, Esther vii. The king and nobles escaped through a breach, Jeremias xxxix. 4. (Calmet) --- Sign. Literally, "a prodigy to," &c. (Haydock) --- The actions as well as the words of the prophet indicated what would happen. (St. Jerome, ver. 11.)

Jerusalem. The people regarded not Jeremias. This prediction would be sent to them to confirm what he said, while it would tend to keep up the spirits of those who were in captivity. (Theodoret) (Calmet) --- Israel. The people, or those of the ten tribes who had retired thither. (Menochius)

Net, as was done in war, and to catch wild beasts, Jeremias xvi. 16. (Calmet) --- Not see it, because his eyes shall be put out by Nabuchodonosor. (Challoner) --- The false prophets thought they perceived a contradiction here; (Worthington) and Sedecias, confronting it with Jeremias xxxviii. 18., disregarded both. (Josephus, Antiquities x. 10.) --- This was more pardonable than for Paine to object this as an inconsistency, after the event has so clearly verified the predictions of both, and shewed their consent. (Haydock) --- The unhappy prince saw too late the true meaning. (Calmet) --- He was put in a cage, like a wild beast, and conveyed blind to Babylon. (St. Jerome)

Them. Many joined Godolias, chap. v. 2. (Haydock)

Sorrow. Act like one under great anxiety and distress. (Calmet)

Proverb, or common saying. (Worthington) --- Prolonged. They took occasion from God's long suffering to become more wicked, (Calmet) and even asserted that the prophets told nothing but lies, (Theodoret) and spoke of events at a great distance, that they might not be detected. If what they announced came to pass, they attributed it to chance; (Calmet) if it did not, being only conditional, they ridiculed this idea as a mere subterfuge. (Haydock) --- As the prophets had long before foretold the captivity, and it had not yet taken place, (Worthington) in general, though many were already in exile, (Haydock) they concluded that it would never be realized. Thus heretics deny the general judgment, 1 Peter iii. (Worthington) --- Every vision, on this head, ver. 28. Many events were revealed that regarded the times of Christ, Daniel ix., &c. (Haydock)


Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Ezekiel 11
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