Ezekiel 23
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Fornication. That is, idolatry. (Challoner) --- Down. Virgins used the stomacher, or (Haydock) fascia pectoralis, Isaias iii. 24. This chapter resembles the 16th. (Calmet)

Oolla and Ooliba. God calls the kingdom of Israel Oolla, which signifies their own habitation, because they separated themselves from his temple; and the kingdom of Juda Ooliba, which signifies his habitation in her, because of his temple among them in Jerusalem. (Challoner) --- The ten tribes first gave way to idolatry, and were more numerous. (Calmet) -- In Egypt the people were united, yet abandoned to idolatry in their youth, when they were only beginning to increase. Afterwards the ten tribes set up altars for themselves, at Dan and Bethel. (Worthington)

Assyrians. That is, the idols of the Assyrians: for all that is said in this chapter of the fornications of Israel and Juda, is to be understood in a spiritual sense of their disloyalty to the Lord, by worshipping strange gods. (Challoner) (Worthington) --- The Assyrians taught the worship of Baal, the high places, &c. The Egyptians also promoted their abominations. (Calmet)

Blue, or purple. This was reserved for the principal nobility.

Egypt. They always retained an affection for those idols, the calf, Adonis, &c.

Disgrace: satisfying their passions, ver. 29. (Calmet) --- Women. Having once lost all sense of decorum, they became more abandoned. (Haydock)

This; not chastisement, but dissolution.

Colours. She was enamoured at the account or picture of these people, without ever having seen them.

Messengers. Achaz invited the Assyrians, and imitated their altars, &c., 4 Kings xvi. 2., &c. (Calmet) --- The Chaldeans afterwards possessed the country. (Haydock)

Love. Literally, "of breasts," as Hebrew also signifies. Here it denotes the temples. (Haydock)

Remembering, or "causing to be remembered" by God, who seemed to have forgotten those ancient scenes of wickedness, chap. xxi. 24.

Asses. He means the Egyptians, (chap. xvi. 26.) in whom the kings of Juda trusted. (Calmet)

About. The Philistines, Ammonites, &c., shall join the Chaldeans, (Haydock) and Egypt shall desert the Jews in their greatest need. (Calmet)

Nobles. Protestants, "Pekod, and Shoah, and Roa:" (Haydock) which Junius takes to be the three great divisions of the empire. Others suppose they denote the dignities, though they occur not in Daniel. --- Captains. Hebrew, "Phachat, and Saganim, (ver. 6, 12.) and Schalischim:" officers mentioned [in] Exodus xiv. 7., and 2 Kings xxiii. 8. --- Renowned, called to the assemblies and councils of the princes, Numbers i. 16. (Calmet) --- Horsemen. Protestants, "all of them riding upon horses." (Haydock)

Judgments, at Reblatha, 4 Kings xxv. 6.

Jealousy, the most violent of passions. (Calmet) --- So the Chaldeans are styled, as Assur is the rod, Isaias x. 5. (Worthington) --- Ears, the punishment of adulteresses: both king and priests suffer. (St. Jerome) --- Thus the captives were probably treated. (Calmet) See Seneca, Ira. iii. 20. --- Fire, by Ismahel, chap. xix. 14.

Glory; vanity, or of the temple, chap. xvi. 17., and Osee ii. 4.


Cup. Thou shalt be punished like Samaria, dreadfully, 4 Kings xvii. 4. (Calmet)

Fragments, as drunkards sometimes bite (Haydock) the cup in their rage. --- Rend. What had been the occasion of thy fall: (Calmet) pectori planxi. (Ovid, ep. 5.)

Deeds. He is thus admonished to condemn them; (chap. xx. 4.) as times and places tended to aggravate their crimes, ver. 39. (Worthington)

Paint, with antimony. (Septuagint) See 4 Kings ix. 3.

Bed: it seems at table, Amos ii. 8., and Tobias ii. 3. --- Ointment; using them for thyself, or presenting them to idols, Exodus xxx. 23, 33. (Calmet)

And that. Protestants, "Sabeans (marginal note and Septuagint, drunkards) from," &c. Any were admitted (Haydock) to the priesthood and to her favours, even the most rustic and deformed, 3 Kings xii. 32.

Just, compared with the Jews, whom they shall chastise. (Calmet)

Stones, like adulteresses, chap. xvi. 38., and Leviticus xx. 10. (Haydock) --- Let the walls be demolished. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Ezekiel 22
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