Ezra 5
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Addo was grand-father of the prophet, whose writings are extant. (Calmet) --- Both prophesied in the second year of Darius. (Menochius)

Them. Aggeus had rebuked the people for building houses for themselves, while they neglected the temple. The work was hereupon resumed without any fresh order from the king; as the edicts of the usurper, Oropastes, were considered as null, and the Jews only answer the governor, that they had been authorized by Cyrus, ver. 13, 17. Josephus, and 3 Esdras iii., and iv. 47., assert that Darius had given leave. (Calmet) (Menochius)

River, over all Syria, &c. This man had not been bribed, but acted with great moderation, and in compliance with his duty. (Calmet) --- Counsel. Chaldean, "order....to make up this wall."

In. Septuagint, "Then I (or they; Greek: eipon. The Syriac and Arabic declare for the latter) said thus to them: What," &c. --- We gave. Chaldean, "what are the names?" (Haydock) --- It seems Thathanai asked this question, ver. 10. The Jews might give in the names of Zorobabel, Josue, Aggeus, &c. (Calmet)

Ancients. Septuagint, "captivity of Juda." (Haydock) --- Divine Providence favoured the undertaking. (Delrio adag. 216.) (Menochius) (Psalm xxxii. 18.) --- His eye sometimes threatens ruin, Amos ix. 8. (Calmet) --- God did both on this occasion. (Worthington) --- Hinder. Chaldean, "cause them to leave off, till the matter came to Darius, (Haydock) and his decision was brought back;" (Calmet) or Protestants, "and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter." Septuagint, "and they did not molest them, till the sentence should be brought to (or from) Darius; and then it (word) was sent to the tax-gatherer, concerning this affair."

Unpolished. Protestants, "great." (Haydock) --- Hebrew, "to be rolled." See Vitruv. x. 6. Septuagint, "choice stones." Kimchi, &c., "marble." (Calmet) --- 3 Esdras, "polished and precious stones." (Haydock) --- Yet the Vulgate seems more conformable to chap. vi. 4., and Aggeus ii. 2. (Menochius) (Ribera) --- Walls, every fourth course, 3 Kings vi. 36. (Calmet)

Built. It did not appear that this edict had been revoked; (Calmet) nor could it be changed, if it had been passed by the advice of the Lord. (Haydock)

Governor. Septuagint, "over the treasury."

In building, being pretty far advanced, though for some time past it had been at a stand. (Haydock) --- It is not probable that Zorobabel said this, but the author of the letter added it, as he supposed the Jews continued to do some little. (Calmet) --- He desired to favour their cause, yet so as not to irritate the Samaritans. (Menochius)

Library. Septuagint, "treasury-house." Arabic, "for the archives." It is called "the house of books," chap. vi. 1. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Ezra 4
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