Hosea 14
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Perish, because she hath stirred up her God to bitterness. It is not a curse or imprecation, but a prophecy of what should come to pass (Challoner) to Israel, in Assyria. Many such expressions occur, Psalm lxviii. 25., &c. (St. Jerome) --- Sometimes they are the efforts of zeal, conformable to divine justice, Psalm cxl. 6. (Worthington) --- Hebrew, "Samaria has sinned, or shall perish." (Calmet) --- Bitterness. Septuagint, "she hath resisted her God." (Haydock)

Words. In captivity, legal victims cannot be offered. (Calmet) --- But a contrite heart is always acceptable, Psalm l. --- Good. While engaged in sin, (Haydock) "we can offer thee nothing good." --- Calves: victims of praise. (St. Jerome) --- Hebrew parim. Septuagint omit m, (Haydock) and render fruit. They are followed by the Arabic and Syriac as well as by the apostle, Hebrews xiii. 15. (Calmet) --- We will offer what victims we please. (Estius) (Psalms lxix. 23., and lxv. 13.)

Gods. The Assyrians, instead of protecting, oppress us; while Egypt, famous for horses, sits unconcerned. (Calmet) --- But the source of all our evils are the idols, which we will follow no more. --- In thee: adheres to the true faith in practice. (Haydock) --- Israel was like an orphan during the captivity, Lamentations i. 1. (Calmet)

Breaches, when Israel shall be converted, as some were to Christ, and many will be at the end of the world. (Worthington) --- Hebrew, "their return." Septuagint, "dwellings." They shall be purified. --- Freely. I have been forced to chastise, My heart dilates. (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "I will love them manifestly." Syriac, "accept their free offerings." (Haydock)

Dew. Israel has been like a plant dried up, chap. xiii. 15. --- Libanus. The cedars were tall and bulky, being well rooted.

Glory. Septuagint, "he shall be as fruitful as the olive-tree." --- Libanus, or incense. (Calmet) --- The term has both meanings. (Haydock)

His. This may refer to the tree, or to God. The captives shall return, and be happy. But in a more sublime sense it refers to the nations which shall embrace the gospel. --- Libanus, or fragrant. Such wine was esteemed in which certain odoriferous herbs were infused, Canticle of Canticles vii. 2. (Calmet) --- Libanus was also famous for generous wines. (Siconita 11.)

Idol? or God will no more reproach them, as their conversion is sincere. --- Make. Hebrew, "be to him like," &c. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Hosea 13
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