Hosea 5
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Depth, or pits of fire, where victims were sometimes thrown. (Iphigen.) (Grotius) --- By substituting th for t, we might read, "they have dug pits to take them," chap. ix. 9., and Josue xxiii 13. (Calmet) --- Idolatry leads to the abyss. (Haydock)

Known. Fornication had darkened their intellect. (Calmet)

Answer. Septuagint, "be humbled." It appears openly, so as to deserve condemnation. (Haydock)

Them. He will receive their victims no longer, Isaias i. 11. (Calmet) --- In vain do they expect to escape by this appearance of sanctity, while they continue in sin. (Haydock)

Strangers. That is, aliens form God: and therefore they are threatened with speedy destruction. (Challoner) --- Their offspring is rebellious, and deserves no longer to be called my people, chap. i. 9. --- Month. Every month the Assyrians shall come upon them; (Chaldean; St. Jerome) or, in the space of one month, they shall perish. (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "the mildew shall eat them and their portions." (Haydock)

Back. Bethel lay northwest of Benjamin. The two tribes would hear the distress of Israel, that they might beware and avoid the like misconduct. (Calmet) --- The captivity is here described. (Worthington)

That. Literally, "faith," (Haydock) that my word shall come to pass.

Bound. This was a capital crime, under Numa, and forbidden, Deuteronomy xix. 14. (Calmet) --- Juda hoped to seize what was abandoned. (St. Jerome) --- They deferred doing penance, and removed the boundaries set by their fathers, (Theodoret; Calmet) the virtuous patriarchs, whom they would not imitate.

Oppression. Literally, "calumny." (Haydock) (Isaias lii. 4.) --- The Assyrians had no just reason for attacking Israel, though their crimes called for punishment (Calmet) from God. (Haydock)

Avenging. Hebrew and Septuagint Jareb, (St. Jerome) which some explain of the king of Egypt; others understand the Assyrian; (chap. x. 6.) while most suppose that Ephraim applied to Phul, and Juda sent to a protecting king, Theglathphalassar, 4 Kings xvi. 7., and xvii. 4. (Calmet)

Lioness. Hebrew and Septuagint, "panther." (Haydock) --- The Assyrians, instead of assisting, proved the ruin of both kingdoms.

Place; to heaven. I will abandon my temple. (Calmet) --- Face: "they will seek the absent." (St. Jerome)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Hosea 4
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