Isaiah 12
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Thanks. Literally, "confess." The Jews thank God for their return, as the Church does for her deliverance from sin. (Worthington) --- Canticles were composed on such occasions, Exodus xv. --- Angry. They do not thank God on this account; but because he had averted his indignation. (Calmet)

Fountains. Instead of those which your fathers drank in the desert. (Calmet) --- You shall have the holy Scriptures, (Haydock) sacraments, &c., John iv. 13., and vii. 38.

Of thee. He alludes to the name Emmanuel. Christ preached, and his own would not receive him, John i. 11., and 26. (Calmet) --- He continues with us, concealed under the sacramental species [of the Eucharist]. (Menochius)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 11
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