Isaiah 33
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Spoilest. This is particularly directed to Sennacherib. (Challoner) --- He was a figure of persecutors of the Church, to which many passages here allude. (Calmet) --- Remota justitia quid sunt regna nisi magna latrocinia? (St. Augustine, City of God iv. 4.) --- Sennacherib plundered Samaria and Juda, and despising God, was himself contemned. (Worthington)

Morning. Speedily. Hebrew, "mornings," or every day. Ezechias thus addressed God.

Them. The neglect of burying these insects has often brought on the plague. (St. Augustine, City of God iii. 31.)

Faith. Sincerity and justice adorn the reigns of Ezechias and Christ.

Without. The people of the country, and the envoys of Ezechias, 4 Kings xviii. 14. Hebrew, "Behold their Ariel, cried they without," insultingly, (Calmet) pointing at Jerusalem, chap. xxix. 1. At which (Haydock) the envoys rent their garments, &c., chap. xxxvi. 22. (Calmet) --- "Behold I shall appear to them." (Aquila) (St. Jerome) --- Angels. Messengers or deputies sent to negotiate a peace, (Challoner) who wept because they could not obtain it. (Worthington)

Void, though Sennacherib had received what he demanded, 4 Kings xviii. 14.

Confounded. Its trees were cut down, chap. xxxvii. 24.

Myself, when all human aid fails.

You, Assyrians, are bringing destruction upon yourselves. (Calmet)

Of you. Hebrew, "of us." (Haydock) --- They are seriously alarmed at the sight of the fires prepared to burn the dead bodies of the Assyrians, (chap. xxx. 33.) and begin to think of hell, (Calmet) which their sins deserve. (Haydock)

Blood. Avoiding revenge, and punishing the guilty, without respect to persons. Such was Ezechias, and therefore his enemies could not hurt him.

Sure. Never failing. (Calmet) --- This was a great advantage in those dry regions. (Haydock)

King Ezechias, or he shall be one of his courtiers. --- Off. Their limits shall be extended. Those who believe in Christ, shall cast their eyes up towards their heavenly country, Hebrews ix. 13.

Ones. These questions were put by the people, when the enemy approached; or they now rejoice that their severe masters were gone.

Shameless, unjust Assyrians, Luke xviii. 2. When shame is gone, people give way to every excess. --- Profound. Unknown to the Jews, 4 Kings xviii. 26. --- No wisdom, manners, or piety.


Broken. It was taken 125 years afterwards. The Church remains till the end of time, (Calmet) whereas both the prophets and history assure us, that Jerusalem was subject to destruction. (Worthington)

Of rivers. He speaks of the rivers of endless joys that flow from the throne of God to water the heavenly Jerusalem, like a deep river. (Calmet)

Thy tacklings. He speaks of the enemies of the Church, under the allegory of a ship that is disabled. (Challoner) --- Sennacherib shall attempt invasion no more than a ship without masts would put to sea.

Feeble. All were obliged to collect the plunder, to be afterwards divided. None shall plead illness. The inhabitants of Jerusalem will not feel the effects of sin (Calmet) on this occasion. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 32
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