Isaiah 42
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
My servant. Christ, who, according to his humanity, is the servant of God, (Challoner) and Redeemer of others; none else being able to satisfy for themselves. (Worthington) (Philippians ii. 7.) (Calmet) --- This passage clearly refers to the Messias, (Chaldean; Kimchi) who was prefigured by Cyrus, ver. 6. (Calmet) (Hugo.) --- It is quoted by St. Matthew (xii. 18.) who has some variations both from the Hebrew and the Septuagint, (Calmet) particularly the first part of ver. 4., which the Septuagint renders, "He shall shine, and shall not be broken."

Islands. Septuagint and St. Matthew, "the Gentiles shall hope in his name." (Haydock)

Gentiles. This was literally verified in Christ. Cyrus is also styled the just, (chap. xli. 26.) and gave liberty to many nations.

House. The Jews out of captivity, prefigured the redemption of mankind. These miracles proved that Jesus was the Messias, Luke vii. 22.

Things. They shall not partake of my divinity. Our Saviour was truly God, Philippians ii. 6.

Them. The completion of former predictions enforces the belief of those which are yet to come. (Calmet)

All. Literally, "its fullness," (Haydock) sailors, (Calmet) and fishes. (Haydock) --- He concludes with a canticle.

Cedar, or the Jews in exile in the desert Arabia, Psalm cxix. 5. (Calmet) --- The people dwell in tents. (Roger. ii. 5.) --- Petra. A city that gives name to Arabia Petrזa. (Challoner)

Enemies. The Chaldeans, (Calmet) by the hand of Cyrus.

Pools. Cyrus deluged the country about Babylon, chap. xiii., and xxi. 1. (Haydock) --- The proud and covetous, who expected Christ to give them kingdoms, were deceived. He came to teach humility, and to grant eternal rewards. (Worthington)

Blind captives, or converts to Christianity.

Deaf Jews, who would not listen to the prophets, ver. 19. (Calmet)

Sold. Hebrew Cimshullam, (Haydock) the perfect, or favoured. The Turks call "believers" Musselmans. (Calmet)

Men, whom they corrupt by their bad example. (Haydock) --- Hebrew, "their young men are in chains," during the last wars, and the captivity of Juda. (Calmet)

We. Septuagint, "they have sinned," which seems preferable. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 41
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