Isaiah 49
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Give. This fresh discourse continues to chap. lvi. 9., relating to the Messias, who is introduced speaking to all the world, Acts xiii. 47., and 2 Corinthians vi. 2. Some apply a part to Cyrus, Isaias, or John the Baptist, as to his figures. (Calmet) --- The prophet has foretold the conversion of the Gentiles, as he now does, like an evangelist. (St. Jerome) --- Many Jews will embrace the gospel at the end of time. (Worthington)

Sword, penetrating the very soul, (Hebrews iv. 12.) and slaying the wicked, Apocalypse i. 16., and 2 Thessalonians ii. 8. Without Christ, his ministers can apply this sword to little purpose. Cyrus cut asunder the bonds of the captives by his decree. (Calmet) --- Grotius improperly explains all of Isaias. (Houbigant)

Glory. In the Church, God is adored in spirit and truth. Isaias is ordered thus to address the Israelites.

God. He will reward the labours of his ministers, though the people be obstinate. The prophets and our Saviour frequently complain, chap. lxv. 2., and Mark ix. 18.

Will not. Hebrew, Septuagint, &c., "to be gathered." (Haydock) --- The original text, independent of the Masorets, may have the sense of the Vulgate. Yet there are other proofs of the synagogue's rejection. (Calmet) --- Protestants, "though Israel be not gathered, yet," &c. Marginal note, or "that Israel may be gathered, and I may," &c. (Haydock)

Earth. St. Paul, explains this of Christ, (Acts xiii.) who said, Go teach all nations, Matthew xxviii. Isaias was one of his first preachers.

Despised, Christ, Cyrus, or Isaias; though it refer chiefly to our Saviour.

Ways. The captives shall find every convenience. (Calmet)

South. Hebrew Sinim; (Haydock) China, (St. Jerome) or rather Sin, or Pelusium, and Sinai, in Egypt and Arabia. Septuagint, "Persians." (Calmet)

Sion, the Jews, who will at last be converted in great numbers. (Houbigant)

Hands, which were nailed to the cross. Septuagint, "I have delineated thy walls on my hands, and thou art before me always." (Haydock) --- The Assyrians wore such characters on their hands or necks. (Lucian) (Leviticus xix. 28.) (Calmet) --- Christ will always love his Church, which is of all times and nations. (Worthington)

Of thee. Sanballat, &c., shall yield to Zorobabel, Nehemias, &c.

Inhabitants. The country was better peopled, (Calmet) and Jerusalem enlarged under the Machabees. (Josephus, Jewish Wars v. 6.)

Barrenness, of which thou complainest. He alludes to the captives who returned, and to Christian converts. (Menochius)


Shoulders. Thus the Syrians commonly carried children astride. (Cotovic. xiv.)

Nurses. The Persian kings favoured the captives. The greatest monarchs bow before the prelates of the Church, (Menochius) and kiss the Pope's toe. They venerate relics, (Haydock) and greatly enrich the Church. (Calmet)

Strong. Can I force the Babylonians to yield? Surely, and the devil also, Luke xi. 21. --- Mighty. Hebrew, "just," in lawful war. Septuagint, "unjustly."

Flesh. They shall attack one another. (Calmet) --- Neriglissor slew Evil-merodac. (Berosus, apud Josephus, contra Apion i.) --- Gobrias and Gadatas betrayed and killed Baltassar. (Xenophon iv. 5, 7.) (Calmet) --- In their fury they shall tear their own flesh. (Menochius)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 48
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