Isaiah 51
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Lord. He speaks of the redemption of mankind, under the allegory of the return from captivity.

Alone, and gave him children when he was grown old, and Sara barren. I can surely save you likewise. (Calmet) --- The example of these great progenitors is set before the Jews. Thus St. Paul says: Remember your prelates, Hebrews xiii. (Worthington)

Nations. This was verified when the Bible was translated into Greek, and still more by the preaching of the gospel.

Just. Christ, prefigured by Cyrus, whose empire was very mild, chap. xliv. 28.

Fail. Matthew xxiv. 35. The prosperity of the Jews was not of long duration. But the Church will remain till the end of time.

Proud. Hebrew, "Rahab," Pharao, king of Egypt, Job xxvi. 12., and Ezechiel xxix. 3. (Calmet) --- God drowned in the water, which had retired for Israel. He will thus destroy the devil. (Worthington)


Oppressor. If thou hadst not abandoned God, thou wouldst have had no reason to fear Nabuchodonosor; and his power is now gone.

Fail. Cyrus shall quickly restore the Jews to their country. He shall not lay waste the provinces, like many conquerors.

People. This may refer to Isaias, Cyrus, &c., as figures of Christ, chap. xlix. 1. He has bestowed greater favours on Christians than Cyrus did on the Jews, opening the kingdom of heaven to true believers, &c., Ephesians ii. 19.

Dregs. Take courage: Babylon's turn is come, ver. 23. (Calmet)

Two. War and famine cause desolation and destruction. (Worthington) --- Jerusalem was reduced to the greatest misery in the last siege under Nabuchodonosor, Lamentations iv. 3. (Calmet)

Ox, oryx. Hebrew Thua, Deuteronomy xiv. 5. (Haydock) --- Many accounts respecting it are fabulous. Some understand a sort of wolf, mentioned by Pliny, [Natural History?] viii. 34. Septuagint, "like beet half boiled."

Over. This inhumanity was not uncommon, Josue x. 24., and Psalm cix. 1.

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 50
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