Isaiah 57
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
The just. Christ, (Calmet) Josias, (Grotius) or any whose cause is just, yet finds no protection from such corrupt magistrates. (Haydock) --- Evil, by the wicked, or to prevent his fall, 4 Kings xii. 20. People little consider what a loss the world sustains, when those die who might have averted the divine wrath. (Calmet) --- They are usually taken away, that they may not witness such misfortunes, and are settled in eternal peace. (Worthington)

Bed. The grave which affords rest to the virtuous, Josias, &c. (Calmet)

Sorceress. Septuagint, "lawless" children. (Haydock)

Tongue, in contempt. Saints, and particularly Jesus Christ, have been exposed to ridicule.

Comfort. Hebrew, "heat," abandoning yourselves to shameful excesses. --- Torrents, to avoid being seen. Such sacrifices would have been incredible, if the Scriptures, and all history did not prove their existence, Deuteronomy xii. 31., and Wisdom xii. 3., and 4 Kings xxiii. 10.

Them. The stones of the torrent, which were often the objects of adoration, Leviticus xxvi. 1., and Genesis xxviii. 18. The god, Helagabalus, was a rough boundary stone.

Bed, like a shameless prostitute. The idols are generally represented in this light, as corrupting God's people. (Calmet)

Remembrance. Domestic gods. (St. Jerome) The Lares or Penates were usually placed in the court or porch. The Jews probably used Hecate or Trivia, for the same purpose, chap. lxv. 11., and lxvi. 17. To prevent this impiety, God had ordered some of the law to be written on the doors, Deuteronomy vi. 9. But this it seems was disregarded, 4 Kings xxiii. 8., and 1 Machabees i. 58., and Ezechiel viii. 5. --- Near me. Idols were placed in the very temple, Jeremias xxxv. 15., and 4 Kings xxi. 4., and Ezechiel viii. 3., and xvi. 17. (Calmet) --- Hand. Protestants, "where thou sawest it." Thou didst even invite thy lovers by presents, Ezechiel xvi. 32. (Haydock)

King. Moloc, or (Calmet) any foreign king, of whose alliance God did not approve. (Theodoret) --- To please them, the true religion was adulterated.

Rest. They were obstinate before the coming of Nabuchodonosor, and of the Romans. --- Asked. Confiding in their own strength.


Afraid, since thou hast despised my, my laws and offers.

Justice. He speaks ironically. (Calmet) --- Self-righteousness is vicious. (Haydock)

Companies, or princes, in whom thou hast confided. Assyria and Egypt cannot save themselves. (Calmet)

And I. Seeing there is no aid in man, God will save his people for his own goodness' sake. (Haydock)

End. I will not always threaten or be angry, Genesis vi. 3. (Calmet) --- Spirit. Holy Ghost. (St. Irenזus v. 12.) (St. Augustine) --- God spares the humble penitent, and grants what they desire with as much eagerness as a sailor does a fair wind. (Worthington) --- He does not regard the indifferent. (Haydock)

Heart. Dreadful state of the abandoned sinner! (Deuteronomy xxxii.21., and Psalm xii. 2., and xliii. 24.)

Lips. Whatever they could ask, so that they might sing canticles. All should be content. He alludes to the liberation of the captives, which was near, and to the redemption of mankind far off. (Calmet)

Dirt. Literally, "treading," conculcationem. (Haydock) --- The works of the wicked are fruitless. They have no content. (Calmet)Non enim gazז neque consularis

Summovet lictor miseros tumultus,

Mentis et curas laqueata circum,

Tecta volantes. ----- (Horace, ii. ode 16.)

--- The obstinate sinner can receive no pardon. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 56
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