Isaiah 59
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Iniquities. The history of Susanna shews that the captives were not all free from sin, which alone prevented their liberation, Lamentations iii. 44. (Calmet) [Daniel xiii.] --- God is willing and able to save. He punishes for sin, to cause us to repent, ver. 20. (Worthington)

Justice. They arraign unjustly. None call upon the just God, but trust in idols. --- Iniquity. They kill themselves, while they strive to injure others, Psalm vii. 15., and Micheas ii. 1.

Basilisk, or viper. (Calmet) --- The young ones "burst through the viper's sides." (Pliny, [Natural History?] x. 62.) --- So the works of the wicked are useless or destructive.

Peace, or prosperity. They quarrel with all, and ruin themselves, Psalm xiii.

Therefore. The wicked Jews nevertheless confess that their sins prove their destruction.

Dead. The Jews will not recognize Christ, notwithstanding the prophecies and miracles.

Judgment, that God would avenge us, (ver. 9.) and regard our fasts, chap. lviii. 3.


In. Where truth is disregarded, there can be no justice.

Himself, to arrest his arm, stretched out to chastise his son; or to second him. There is nothing in man to stop God's vengeance. He therefore pardons out of his own goodness, chap. lix. 2., and lxiii. 4. (Calmet) --- He became man to redeem us, as no pure mortal could do it. (Worthington)

Justice. None can blame his conduct.

On. Hebrew, "is standard-bearer." (Aquila) (St. Jerome) --- Cyrus, the figurative redeemer, proceeds rapidly.

To Sion. Septuagint, "from Sion, and will turn away iniquity from Jacob. (21.) And this," &c. (Haydock) --- St. Paul hence proves that the Jews will at last be converted, Romans xi. 26. The return of the captives prefigured this event. (Calmet)

Covenant. Note here a clear promise of perpetual orthodoxy to the Church of Christ. (Challoner) --- She hath still the spirit of truth. (Worthington) (Matthew xxviii. 20.) --- None will apply this to the synagogue, which is visibly in the dark, and abandoned. (Calmet)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 58
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