Isaiah 65
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Me. God answers the preceding prayer, and announces the rejection of the synagogue, alluding to the armies which prevailed in the days of the Machabees. --- Not. St. Paul explains this of the conversion of the Gentiles, Romans x. 20. (Calmet) --- It cannot regard the Jews, who are spoken of in the next verse. (Worthington)

Gardens, to the impure Venus and Adonis. --- Bricks, to the Manes. (Calmet) ---Tegula porrectis satis est velata coronis

Et sparsז fruges parvaque mica salis. (Ovid, Fast. x.)

Idols: to have dreams, (Strabo xvi.) and commit impurities. --- Broth of swine's flesh, which was prohibited, Leviticus xi. 7.

Unclean. Thus acted the hypocritical Pharisees. --- Smoke. A just punishment of those who had sought the smoke of human applause.

Bosom: good measure, Luke vi. 38. Rewards and punishments will be eternal.

Hills. Some offered sacrifices to God, others to idols; both unlawfully. (Calmet)

Whole. The good grain is preserved amid the general corruption. (Haydock) --- A few of the Jews were chosen to believe in Christ.

Mountains of Judea, (Deuteronomy iii. 25.) which the captives shall recover, as a figure of those who shall embrace the Christian faith.


Plains. Hebrew Sharon, in the land of Basan. --- Achor, near Jericho, called after Achan, (Calmet) who perhaps was more correctly styled Achor, Josue vii. 26., and Osee ii. 15. (Haydock)

Fortune. Hebrew, "Gad," the sun, Genesis xxx. 11. --- Upon it. Symmachus, "without me." Septuagint, "to fortune." Hebrew, "to Meni," the moon, or Queen of heaven, Jeremias vii. 18., and xliv. 17. (Calmet)

Chosen. Free-will is clearly expressed, as rewards are, ver. 13. (Worthington)

Servants; Christians, (Calmet) particularly the elect. (Haydock) --- When the Romans approached Jerusalem, the Christians retired to Pella, and had plenty. (Houbigant)

Execration. They can wish to be preserved from nothing worse. --- Name. The faithful shall be no longer called Jews. (Calmet) --- They shall be hated, while the name of Christian shall point out God's servants. (Worthington)

Amen, or "of truth." False gods shall be neglected. They shall not swear by them, as formerly, Sophonias i. 5. --- Christ usually adopted the asseveration, Amen, Amen, to enforce his truths. (Haydock)

New earth, in eternity, (Clarius) or here indeed, (2 Peter iii. 3., &c.; Houbigant) having purified the former by the general conflagration, which many assert will take place at the end of 6,000 years. (St. Jerome; St. Augustine, &c.) At the return of the captives, the country flourished again under the Machabees; (ver. 18.; Grotius) or rather the gospel changes the face of the earth, chap. lxvi. 22. (Calmet) (Forerius) --- After the resurrection the qualities, and not the substance, of the world, will be changed. (Worthington)

Fill up. To die soon was deemed a misfortune, Psalm liv. 24., and Exodus xx. 12. Virtue is the measure of the Christian's life, and God will reward those who labour even late, Matthew xx. 13. --- Accursed. This age will not be spared. Both just and wicked shall be immortal in eternity. (Theodoret)

A tree. Septuagint, "of the tree of life," Jeremias xviii. 8. (Calmet) --- Continuance. Hebrew, "My elect shall long enjoy the works," &c. (Haydock) --- They shall not build for others to enjoy.

In. Hebrew, "for trouble." Chaldean, "death." Septuagint, "malediction." The children shall not be cut off; and baptism shall secure their salvation.

Straw. People of the most perverse tempers shall become mild by the influence of the gospel, and shall dwell together in perfect concord. (Calmet) --- Food, according to the sentence, Genesis iii. 14. (Menochius) --- The devil's power is abridged, chap. xi. 6. (Calmet) --- The proudest Gentiles are converted, and adopt the mild manners of Christians, in fasting and mortification. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 64
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