Jeremiah 1
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary


Jeremias was a priest, a native of Anathoth, a priestly city, in the tribe of Benjamin, and was sanctified from his mother's womb to be a prophet of God; which office he began to execute when he was yet a child in age. He was in his whole life, according to the signification of his name, great before the Lord, and a special figure of Jesus Christ, in the persecutions he underwent for discharging his duty, in his charity for his persecutors, and in the violent death he suffered at their hands; it being an ancient tradition of the Hebrews, that he was stoned to death by the remnant of the Jews who had retired into Egypt, (Challoner) at Taphnes. His style is plaintive, (Worthington) like that of Simonides, (Calmet) and not so noble as that of Isaias and Osee. (St. Jerome) --- He was the prophet of the Gentiles, as well as of the Jews, predicting many things which befell both, and particularly the liberation of the latter, the year of the world 3485, after the seventy years' captivity, dating from the year of the world 3415, (Calmet) or 3398, the 4th of Joakim. (Usher) (Chap. xxv.) (Haydock) --- He began to prophesy when he was very young, the year of the world 3375, in the 13th year of Josias, (Calmet) before that prince had brought his reformation to any great perfection. (Haydock)

Helcias, the high priest who discovered the book of the law, (Clement of Alexandria, Strom. i., &c.) though this be uncertain. --- Anathoth, a village to the north of Jerusalem, to which many priests had retired, though it did not belong to them. (Calmet)

Joakim. His immediate predecessor and successor, both called Jechonias, (Haydock) are passed over, as their reign was short, (Calmet) only lasting three months each. (Haydock) --- Fifth. Jerusalem was taken on the 9th of the preceding month. But the temple was not burnt, nor the captives sent off till the fifth month, or the 10th of the civil year, chap. xxxix. 8., and lii. 13., and 4 Kings xxv. 2. (Calmet) --- Jeremias also prophesied in Egypt, chap. xliv. (Worthington) --- But this title alludes to his principal predictions. (Menochius)

Knew, with affection, and designed thee for this office for eternity. Many think (Calmet) that Jeremias was purified from original sin before his birth. (St. Augustine) --- He had this privilege, and was also a priest, prophet, virgin, and martyr. (Worthington) --- Yet to sanctify, often means only to set aside, Exodus xiii. 2., and Ecclesiasticus xlix. 9. --- Nations, whose overthrow he points out, chap. xxv. 27, 44, &c. (Calmet)

Ah. Hebrew ahah. Septuagint, "thou Being." Protestants, "Then said I: Ah, Lord God." (Haydock) --- He does not imitate a child. He might be above 30 years old, though some say (Calmet) only 14, (Tirinus) or less; yet he finds himself devoid of eloquence, like Moses, Exodus xiv. 10. (Calmet)

Mouth; perhaps (Haydock) with a coal, by means of an angel, (Isaias vi. 5.) in a sort of dream. He found himself changed into a new man.

Root up, to announce the fall and restoration of many nations, Ezechiel iv. 2. (Calmet) --- Jeremias spoke of the Gentiles, as well as of the Jews. (Worthington)

Watching. Hebrew, "of an almond." Septuagint, "nut-tree." (Haydock) --- The almond-tree flourishes in January, and bears fruit in March. (Theodoret) (Pliny, [Natural History?] xvi. 25.) --- Thus God will speedily send his scourge from Babylon, to punish his people. (Calmet) ---The sense is the same. (Menochius) --- God's law is outwardly bitter, but the kernel is sweet. (Theodoret) (Worthington)

North, whence the wind blows, to make the fire burn more intensely. Assyria lay to the north, and Babylon to the east of Judea; but the troops always penetrated the northern frontier, as they could not pass through the Desert Arabia. The caldron represented Jerusalem, Ezechiel xi. 3., and xxiv. 3.

North. The tributary kings were forced to attend, Judith ii. 7., and 3 Kings xx. 1. --- About. The princes thus took Sedecias, and sent him to Reblatha, chap. xxxix. 3. (Calmet)

Loins. Make haste, and take courage, Job xxxviii. 3. (Menochius)

Prevail. God does not promise peace, but victory. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Isaiah 66
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