Jeremiah 27
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Joakim. This revelation was made to the prophet in the beginning of the reign of Joakim: but the bands were not sent, to the princes here named, before the reign of Sedecias, ver. 3. (Challoner) --- He wore them six or seven years. (Vatable) (Tirinus) --- But this is uncertain. Septuagint omit this title. Syriac, Arabic, &c., read "Sedecias." (Calmet) --- As far as Juda may belong to the last chapter. St. Jerome includes the whole verse. (Haydock) --- It seems to be rather a fresh prophecy, or the title may be spurious, like many in the Psalms. See chap. xxvi. 1., and xxviii. 1., and Isaias xxi. 13.

Chains. Hebrew, "a yoke and pole," (Calmet) or piece of wood for the necks of slaves. (St. Jerome) --- Thus would the servitude of these nations be clearly represented. (Haydock) --- Bands and chains were proper signs, as they were used to bind captives. (Worthington)

Edom. Thus he exercises the function of prophet among the nations, chap. i. 5. These had come to compliment Sedecias, or rather to form a league.

Eyes. God disposes of all princes, &c. His prophets speak boldly. (Calmet)

Beasts. The property of those people, or the most barbarous nations. (St. Jerome) --- Hangmen and executioners may in the same sense be styled God's servants. (Worthington)

His son; viz., Evilmerodach, and his son's son, viz., Nabonydus, or Nabonadius, the Baltassar of Daniel, (chap. v.) and the last of the Chaldean kings. (Challoner) --- Come. It will not be long before this rod is cast into the fire, the usual fate of those who execute God's vengeance.

Prophets, who deluded the Jews, as diviners did the Gentiles.

To remove. Hebrew, "that I may," &c. This will be the effect, though contrary to their intention.

In it. None complied, and though the Idumeans, &c., joined the Chaldeans against Juda, they were punished (Calmet) for their former league, ver. 3. (Haydock)

Time. Hananias specified two years, (chap. xxviii. 3.) which proved false. Some "silver vessels," (Baruch i. 8.) and not those of gold, it seems, (Calmet) or not all, (Haydock) were restored at the request of Saraias, chap. li. 59.

Hosts. If they prevail, account me a false prophet. (Calmet) --- The things taken shall not be soon restored; but more shall be conveyed away. (Worthington)

To thee. Hebrew also, "concerning," as [in] ver. 21., (Haydock) though (Calmet) inanimate things are often spoken to. (St. Jerome)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 26
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