Jeremiah 32
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Tenth. The city had been besieged about a year, (chap. xxxix. 1.) and the prophet continued to admonish the king and people of their fate, chap. xxxiv. (Calmet) --- He bought land, to shew that they should one day return. (Worthington)

Court, at large, so that people might come to him freely. He was not chained or in prison, as [in] chap. xxxvii. 15., and xxxviii. 6, 13. (Calmet)

Eyes. They were afterwards put out at Reblatha, (Haydock) so that he could not see Babylon, Ezechiel xii. 13. (Worthington) --- Sedecias was imprisoned, and buried there by the Jews, chap. xxxiv. 5, 12.

Next. Priests could sell only to their fellow priests, Leviticus xxv. 34. (St. Jerome) --- Others might dispose of their landed property to any, until the year of jubilee. The nearest relation had the first offer, but he was not obliged to purchase. Jeremias now consented, to shew that the people should return to possess the land, though it was now in the enemy's hands. (Calmet) --- Thus a Roman purchased the land on which Hannibal was encamped, despising his power and threats. (V. Max. iii. 8.; Livy xxvi.) (Haydock)

Came into the city clandestinely; or rather he entered before the siege. (Calmet)

Silver. Hebrew, "seventeen sicles of silver." (Haydock) --- Coin was not yet used. (Calmet)

Outside. "There was another copy left open for inspection, (ver. 14.) which custom still prevails," says St. Jerome. (Haydock)

Days, safe from dampness, &c. Thus Origen found a version of the Bible preserved at Jericho. (Calmet) --- After the captivity, the owners shall claim their land.

Alas. Hebrew ahah, ah! only once. Septuagint, "O, thou Being, Lord God." (Haydock) --- Hard. Hebrew also, "hidden, wonderful," &c. (Calmet) --- "When the gods perform, nothing appears incredible." (Pindar, Pyt. x.) See ver. 27., and Luke i. 37. (Haydock)

After them, to the third and fourth generation, Exodus xxxiv. 7. His mercy is more exalted. (Calmet)

Day. We remember thy ancient miracles, and witness others.

Any of. Literally, "all those," which seems better, as he who offends in one, becomes guilty of all; and the Jews certainly had observed some precepts, though they did not persevere unto the end. (Haydock)

By. Literally, "at the presence of the sword," or by its force, Psalm lix. 6. (Worthington)

Is given, in the eternal decrees, ver. 28. (Haydock)

Baal, the sun, &c., chap. xix. 13., Sophonias i. 5., and 4 Kings xxiii. 12. (Calmet)

Continually, (Symmachus) "moreover," (Aquila) or "alone," (Septuagint and Theodoret) ver. 23. (Haydock)

Built it. The Jebusites polluted it. David himself offended, as well as Solomon, and under all the kings many crimes were committed, (Calmet) which is always the case in large cities. These general terms only denote a great corruption, tough some would be virtuous. (Haydock)

It, under Achaz, Manasses, and perhaps the last kings of Juda, Ezechiel viii. 9.

Consecrate. Hebrew, "make them pass" through or into the fire, to be consumed in honour of Moloc, 4 Kings xxi. 6. --- Heart. They perhaps meant to imitate Abraham, chap. vii. 31.

Lands. What is here said must be understood of the captives, yet in such a manner that Christians are more particularly designated, for the Jews never enjoyed such perfect security, nor followed one way, nor enjoyed the eternal covenant, (ver. 39, 40., and chap. xxxi. 31.; Calmet) except those who embraced the true faith of Christ. At all times one religion alone can be pleasing to God, (ver. 39.) and those who were saved under the old law, must have believed in a Redeemer to come, as we must do in one already past. (Haydock) --- God would not suffer true believers to become extinct under the old law; much less will he since Christ's coming. (Worthington)


Truth, like a tree which shall not be eradicated.

Juda, and in. A farther description of these cities is given, situated about the capital, Hebron, Sephala, (the plain) near Gaza, (Calmet) and the Negeb or south country, (Haydock) towards Arabia. Here the excellent commentary of St. Jerome ends, to our great loss. (Calmet) --- It was perhaps his last work, undertaken after the twelve minor and the other three great prophets. He never wrote on Baruch, on the epistle of Jeremias, the Greek parts of Daniel, &c., as the Jews did not allow them to be canonical, and the point was not then decided. The Church styles St. Jerome "the greatest doctor in expounding the sacred Scriptures," as he translated and illustrated the greatest part of them; (Haydock) and indeed he seems to have been the best qualified for the undertaking, of all the fathers. (Du Pin) --- Hence we may lament the more that we have not all his works in their genuine purity and perfection, as even the latest editions are very faulty, and proceed upon a plan which the learned do not approve. See A. Butler, Kennicott, &c. (Haydock)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 31
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