Jeremiah 34
Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary
Came, in the 11th year of Sedecias, before the Chaldeans returned to their siege, chap. xxxvii. 4.

Go to, yet shall not see Babylon, (Ezechiel xii. 13.) his eyes being put out, chap. xxxii. 4. (Calmet) See 4 Kings xxv. 7. (Worthington) --- Paine objects this as a false prophecy, though it was verified so terribly. Daniel, &c., would not neglect to bury the king. (Watson)

Peace. That is, by a natural death. (Challoner) --- Burn thee, like Asa; (2 Paralipomenon xvi. 14.; Calmet) or aromatical spices were only burnt over their dead bodies, which were also embalmed. (Sanctius; Vatable, &c.) --- Tostat says that Sedecias was intoxicated, for sport, (Habacuc ii. 15.) and died of grief in prison, chap. lii. 11. (Calmet) --- The king of Babylon would probably not refuse him a decent burial. (Watson, Let. vi.)

Lachis, near Hebron. Detachments were sent to different places.

Brethren. The sabbatical year happened in the 9th of Sedecias, when the Chaldeans approaching, caused him to shew some signs of religion. But when they departed to meet the Egyptians, the people repented of what they had done well. (Calmet) --- Such a relapse offends God more than the former sins, as our Saviour shews by a parable, Matthew xviii. (Worthington)

End, or commencement. (Glass.; Gram. iii. 6.) (Exodus xxi. 2., Deuteronomy xv. 12., and Luke ii. 21.) (Calmet)

And set. Hebrew, "to their own soul," to do as they pleased. (Haydock)

For you. I acknowledge you no longer as my servant. I will let loose the sword, &c., against you.

Parts. This was done to signify that if they transgressed, they consented to be slain, Genesis xv. 9, 17. It seems Sedecias and his subjects had solemnly ratified the covenant made at Sinai, being impressed with fear of the enemy.

Eunuchs, chief officers. One was at the head of the army, 4 Kings xxv. 19.

From you, to attack Egypt. Afterwards the various detachments came and took Jerusalem. (Calmet)

Command. He did not approve of their cruelty, but used them as scourges. (Worthington)

Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 33
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